Live GIF turns Live Photos in SIFCO
Ios / / December 20, 2019
In ecosystem Apple has one important feature: any new feature quickly gets the support of third-party developers. Needless to say that with the advent of 3D Touch capabilities expand significantly. If you are the owner or 6s 6s Plus is and has not yet found a decent application Live Photos, I have good news. The circle is closed, and the "living pictures" appeared in iOS conversion tool in a familiar and popular ideological predecessor format.
Likely, Facebook and other social networks will soon learn how to work with the new format "live photos"And our tape filled with funny and very short video. Write them can anyone, the quality will be at the level, and SIFCO - but in a more modern version - get a second life.
But back to reality, which yet to see Live Photos, you can only on Apple devices. A kind of crutch for the first time, developers have come up with Live GIF. As the name implies, is a converter of "living pictures" in the already not so live, but the usual GIF-images. Everything is easier: open the application, select a photo and convert it into an animation or a short video.
The main thing is that the result can be easily published on social networks, well, probably to save space at the expense of conversion. True if you have purchased the most "budget" version of the smartphone is 16 GB.
Of interesting: Live GIF supports 3D Touch, allowing you to directly from the home screen to start the conversion of the last "living pictures."