Since the appearance I iPhone 6 Plus the only annoying point was the standard keyboard, as strange as it may sound. If I used the phone in one hand, my fingers could not reach all the letters. Two - no problems, everything is fine. Ever since I constantly monitors App Store for the appearance of a keyboard, that would allow me to print as well as on the smaller iOS-devices. Finally I found.
Minuum - alternative keyboard for iOS. Has the support of the Russian language, predictive text input, faster access to emodzhi, Auto adjust the spelling and the possibility to place punctuation marks, and also allows you to move the area with letters so that you can enter text with one hand.
Two fingers can constrict and expand it in the vertical scale. In this case, even the smallest of dimensions, it copes with its main task - a set of messages. Slide the keyboard to the left or right (for right-handers and left-handers, respectively) are just one click on an icon, to facilitate use of the device with one hand. Quick access to emodzhi also quite organically fit and easy to use.
It would seem, what else is needed? And it is necessary, in fact, not so much: Disable the very predictive. Oddly enough, in the settings of the keyboard, you can disable anything but him. And ask the question "why cancel it?" I want to see that he was just disgusting. No, seriously, it's a nightmare. If you want to gain even a few simple words, non Minuum base, then looking at the result can be greatly surprised. Why the developers did not foresee such a possibility banal - a mystery.
I sincerely hope that in the next update application will be added to the corresponding setting. And yet... While I was again left on the keyboard from Apple. All have been waiting for alternatives that once waited understood: there is nothing better than the standard, as if the developers nor excelled.
If you are also experiencing problems with text input with one hand on the iPhone 6 Plus - be sure to take Minuum note. If not now, but in the future, it might still be able to replace the standard keyboard. If Apple does not again come up with something more convenient through the development Dryft.
And what do you use? Prefer standard, the long-awaited SwiftKey or something other? Tell us about your choice in the comments!