TrailMix - control of music speed in running time
Ios / / December 20, 2019
This application in the AppStore is already long enough. And despite its steep functional for some reason it is not too popular. TrailMix - is a music player with music tune function under the speed of your walk or run. The app is absolutely elementary to use.
The main screen - an interface of the player with all the compositions. On this screen, you can select all the music, a separate playlist, switch to the standard iOS Player to create a playlist and activate the integration with service Kiip. Kiip - is a service that allows you to earn rewards for your achievements. This function I have not used, but you can learn more about it here. Also, below are shufle buttons, favorites and on / off repeat.
After selecting one of the items in the main menu and turn on the music, the program will display a window with information about that the rate is determined automatically and you just throw the phone in your pocket or put it in the sleeve cover.
On this screen, all the interface elements are absolutely standard and do not differ from other players. However, several buttons will be a novelty. Speedometer icon in the upper right corner of the window shows the current tempo and the icon pop-up message for sharing the current song to the social networks. Also, the center of the screen the program will show the number of steps.
The window current tempo
At the end of street workout, the app will show an encouraging phrase, number of steps, time, training, and the average rate. And of course, offered to share it all with your friends.
App really works perfectly, and I was very surprised when I saw it in action. The only thing that can stop - this is the application price. But since quality analog I did not find, I consider it justified. Run with music that she adapts to the pace is very convenient and provides an additional impetus to the action, so go for it and do not forget to tell us about your impressions!