MP3 Audiobook Player for iOS - the best player audiobooks
Ios / / December 20, 2019
Those who listen to audio books on iOS devices, you know how much time should be spent on the conversion of formats. Appendix MP3 Audiobook Player will save us from the torment of elegant, simple and hassle-free.
Immediately it should say that MP3 Audiobook Player works with audio files in MP3 and M4B, and the addition of books, probably, one of the simplest operations: we go in the menu, go to the tab "Books", Tapan plus sign and see more instructions.
Of course, as befits a player audiobooks, MP3 Audiobook Player remembers the stopping place, can put a bookmark, rewind the book in both directions.
Duration rewind, playback speed, and the like can be set in the settings.
The app takes the cover of the folder with the audio book or file being played. Provided with a remote control earphone (Bluetooth-control in the car including), Apple Watch, Control Center and from the lock screen. In addition, you can configure the application's reaction to press the next track: Rewind to the previous or next chapter or a certain number of seconds back and forth. Thus, you do not have to reach for the phone, such as during running or driving to fast uninteresting places or rewind audiobooks important moments.
For fans to fall asleep to the book has a particularly luxurious feature is the gradual reduction of the sound. That's what the developer writes about it himself:
Oleg Braylyan developerIn the setting of the sleep timer, you can choose the degree of volume reduction. That is, if you choose, for example, 10 minutes of sound on auto at 50%, for 10 minutes the volume is gradually lowered to half the current, and on reaching the 10-minute playback stop. Also, if you feel that you do not fall asleep, you can gently slap on the phone, and the sleep timer will be reset to the initial value, and the volume gradually returns to baseline and then again will gradually go down pat... Reset can be disabled settings.
I must say that MP3 Audiobook Player has changed for the better in a relatively short period. But the developer is not going to stop in the near future plans:
- integration with the basic services for file storage (Dropbox, Google Drive, «Yandex. Disk");
- built-books download the browser from sites without using a computer;
- integration with collections of license free audio books.
And all this happiness is worth only $ 2.99! For those wishing to try the app is free version before buying, which has just two differences:
- the presence of advertising;
- limiting the length of listening books 12 hours.
As you can see, even the free version is quite comfortable to use.
But there is a third option - get the app for free. To participate in the raffle code is necessary to share the article in one of the social networks (Facebook, Twitter, «VKontakte», Google+), and leave a link to repost, and your email address in the comments. The draw starts with the publication of the article and ends two days later on July 24.
The drawing is completed. Thank you for participating! Winners will be announced on 26 July.
Price: 229 rubles
Price: Free