How to stabilize their financial situation
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
In the apt words of Robert Kiyosaki, our generation does not have enough financial education to maintain financial security. It is difficult not to agree, when you consider how many people are constantly occupied and reborrow to hold on to paycheck, get involved in enslaving loans do not live within our means and spend money absolutely thoughtlessly.
Here are a few simple (perhaps, for someone - elementary) tips to help you stabilize your financial position.
If you do not keep a written record, it is hard to keep in mind all received and spent funds.
I was recently there was an amusing incident. Once I was registered in the Employment Center (standing on the stock exchange), for which he received the allowance. Or rather, he did not receive. During the registration I had to open a bank account, where manual and lists.
In the "wild" I do not need money, so eventually (I stood on the stock exchange for almost a year) about this account safely forgotten. Imagine my surprise when, a few days ago came to the bank, I found him.
In this regard, the first rule - to count all your money. Check bank accounts, credit cards.
Rule number two - to this day keep a strict financial accounting (how much and what you spend, how much and where you get). Use the specialized online services and applications (iOS: MoneyWiz, CoinKeeper, Spent and others; Android: the same CoinKeeper, and "Home Bookkeeping", "My budget" and others). They will not only help to control income and expenses, but also to plan the budget.
Debts and loans
Knocked out debit and credit, you need to pay off debt, and (if possible) to repay the loans.
Where to get money? There are several options for win-win:
- To rent an apartment or a car (provided that you have a place to live, and you agree to ride the subway).
- Sell ​​something (cottage, garage, TV - something that has real market value, and without which you can do in everyday life).
With regards to loans, note that some credit programs do not provide for early repayment of debt (bank is unprofitable to lose interest income). However, almost always an opportunity to make a large amount, thereby reducing the main duty of the amount of which interest is calculated. In addition, if you have multiple loans, try to pay off the first one where the higher the interest rate.
To be able to save - it's a talent. This is bad news.
The good news is that he is born with a man - you can learn to save.
I do not like advice in the spirit of "the economy must be economical," - buy a cheap sausage, gain 10 rubles. A person should as much as possible to meet their needs (otherwise, why do we need money?).
But when there was a real lack of them, it is necessary to restore order in financial matters and start saving. Especially, there are quite reasonable ways:
- Reasonable expenses. This means buying only really necessary (to avoid spontaneous purchases, not be carried out on stocks and sales) and quality things (better to buy good Italian shoes for a few seasons, than is spent on consumer goods every autumn and the spring).
- Optimization of tariffs. Save on utility - sounds like science fiction. But, nevertheless, if you pay by the meter, it is better not to forget to turn off the light, less water injection etc. You can also revise its tariff for the Internet, mobile phone and switch to a cheaper tariff, albeit with less options.
- Bad habits. It's not just about cigarettes and beer on Fridays. You can simply take a taxi once again, and take a walk (a sedentary lifestyle - too bad habit). Or, for example, do not buy cakes (save excess weight and a hole in your pocket).
Additional income
Carrying on the work 8 hours a day (at best), 5 days a week (also, if you're lucky), about podrabotke even do not want to hear. But you can try to make money without putting much effort or find a second job associated with the hobby.
Under the first, I mean, first of all, investment. Here require special knowledge - how, where and how to invest the money. Under the second - a matter pleasurable. For example, to sell the wooden figures that in the evening you cut out a jigsaw (exaggerating, but my girlfriend leisure 2 children and working time makes and sells wedding wine glasses).
financial buffer
That even in difficult times, to stand firmly on their feet, you need to have a financial safety cushion.
For this purpose there is a simple rule: delay 5% (10%, 20% - each decides for itself) of any earnings on the reserve. Peremptorily, as its own income tax. It is necessary to take this deduction for granted and do not rely on this money in everyday life - a "nest egg" for a rainy day. It is better that all happened automatically (by bank transfer to a special account).
What a way to bring finances in order, you know?