Alfred - a service that will save you from trips to the car wash
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Problems with the car - it's a pain, but still a lot of pain - a visit to the car wash and disassembly with dealers. Kill half a day to travel in traffic jams? Trying to figure out where prey on you? No, I have a better idea. Layfhaker talks about the concierge service AlfredThat all save.
Concierge service? This is generally what?
Very simple. Initially, the concierge called special people who keep order in the house or in a hotel, and perform simple orders such as receiving calls, dog walking and care of clothing. Avtokonserzh - it's the same, but about cars.
Let's say you have a car knocks. Not that is very serious, you can go, but it's still annoying. Go to the car wash is absolutely no time. That's where you come in handy Alfred: Leave application to the Telegram, the driver comes and takes your car to the car wash. Concierge services will cost 2000 rubles, not counting the cost of repairs.
Or, suppose you need to do that. Operation is simple, but it is necessary to allocate half a day plus spend money on a taxi or take time off from work.
For those who value their time, Alfred - a real salvation. No need to spend time on trips to the Moscow repair shops do not need to communicate with employees of service stations, trying to understand, they have bred or not, - the concierge takes everything on himself.
If you do not trust outsiders and prefer to repair the car in person, or at least observe, as does the master - it is yours. Apparently, peace of mind for you much more wasted time and money you will lose.
Entrust your car to another driver? Sounds scary.
Worry there is nothing. Alfred is very strict in choosing concierge: checked and the driving experience, and presence of fines, and accident-free driving experience. Selection are the best of the best - drivers with ten years without a single accident.
Plus avtokonserzhi well versed in the intricacies of repair. They will not be difficult to explain to employees of service stations, what happened with the car.
Person who understands only about the car in the apparatus, it is difficult to clearly say what exactly is wrong. Something knocks, that's all. Artful mechanics like these clients: sleep terms, I tell you what a strange knocking - is a harbinger of big problems with the engine, to impose extra services - bingo, trifling cost of repair increases times.
As a result, there are two options: either on their own to study the possible problems, look for cheap parts and proven garages, or have all the concierge. The second way is easier and cheaper in the end, if you count how much time you'll save on this.
And if the driver still gets into an accident in my car?
To make it quite calmly, Alfred insures each car at 6 million rubles. Before the driver sits behind the wheel, you sign a power of attorney and the certificate of reception and transmission, which describes in detail the condition of the car: the mileage before chipping paint and stains in the cabin.
In the car, set the DVR which records everything that happens with the car from the moment of its transfer to the driver to return to you. At that time, Alfred managers are in touch with you via instant messenger, e-mail or SMS. If, however, something goes wrong, Alfred takes over the costs of compensation for damage caused by an accident.
What the garages? Good?
Good. Alfred Moscow cooperates with 32 other vehicles. This is the official dealer centers all automakers, and private repair shops. Services are checked against the check-list of 198 items, 101 of such a casting service has not passed: Approach the quality of the repair period. The partner list were only workshops with experienced professionals.
Alfred car serviced in partner repair shops in the first place, so no need to book in advance and wait, when finally will be engaged in the mechanics of your machine. More from the concierge service has an agreement on a fixed cost, and parts Alfred buys in bulk and with partner discounts - in the end you do not overpay for that is not clear.
And indeed everything mend?
Yes. Maintenance, body work, tire, electrical, painting, oil change - Alfred to help out in any situation. The driver can even wash or fill your car. If the vehicle is not in motion, for it will send a tow truck.
Incidental expenses are excluded: After diagnosis concierge tells you how much it will cost to repair. As for the quality, too, there is no reason to worry: if suddenly faked auto repair, Alfred with all sort out on their own.
Well, like everything is clear. How to contact the service?
To call the concierge fill out the form on website service. Alfred solve any problems with your car, without spending time and money wasted.