10 quotes about the attitude toward money
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Questions savings, income and expenses in one way or another all of us worried. Austin Kleon, Writer and artist from Texas, author of "Steal like an artist" and Newspaper Blackout, has selected 10 quotes of various well-known (and not so famous) people on how to relate to money. Especially recommended for those who can not stand talking and thinking about money as such.
So, here's the short list. It is possible that some of these thoughts you will make your personal financial life motto:
The key to a constant feeling of happiness in your life - less future expenses and the ability not to get into debt. Lynda Barry, American cartoonist
The best way to continuously improve your current standard of living - it's living in the past. Laura Soberg, writer, humorist
The essence of this economy is the constant creation of incoming cash flows that exceed the costs. "Old" things should wear a little longer... you can eat and very simple food, if necessary; you need it to in all circumstances, except only absolutely unforeseen situations, you have remained a small positive "gap" between profit and cost.
P.T. Barnum, American showman
The trick is to... be a responsible taxpayer and be creative gouging. Tom Rothman, producer and head of production company TriStar
If you do not take the money, no one cmozhete show you exactly what you need to do. This is the key to everything. Bill Cunningham
Writers, actors and prostitutes have the same basic problem of economic nature: they have to compete with amateurs who are pretty good and besides - do not take money for works. Moss Hart
Even the revival of needed funding. tommy Howells
New I come in the morning to sell it to afternoon time. john Waters
I sell something for money and then spend less than earned. marco Arment
Sale... Just do not lose your head from this word. We are entrepreneurs. For me, the main measure of success for any store - furniture, or any other - is not a sign "Launched the sale," and sign "I'm sorry, all sold." Bill Withers