Conducting budget philosophy YNAB - complete victory over finances
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Familiarity with YNAB happened when I was quite desperate to get the title of "Lord of the Treasury," and was just looking for an application for budgeting. Having some experience in this matter, I immediately saw the full potential of the system and after a few months of practice is getting closer to the coveted title of master. As I learned later, the father of the child of a well-known consultant on finance Micum Jesse (Jesse Mecham).
The philosophy of doing YNAB budget
Jesse Micum called his financial management system is very simple - the first letters of words in the expression You Need A Budget (You need a budget). The system itself, with all its power and efficiency, such as simple as the name, and includes only four rules.
Rule number 1. Give every dollar work
Imagine a company where no one knows of their professional duties, a front work and everyone does what is necessary. How long it will hold such a company?
So, you or your family - this is the same company, and the money - your employees, each of whom shall be appointed to a certain position. Give every dollar work (the ruble, the national currency, the galactic loan or what they pay you for shooting space pirates).
After the budget, you must have a complete zero in the residue.
This does not mean that you have to spend in this month all the finances. Some of your "employees" will be responsible for saving for a rainy day, some for a future large purchase. But none of the dollar should not be left without work.
Necessarily, hear, be sure to enter the column "Spontaneous purchase costs». You can call it differently, but it is allocated to a certain amount and spend it outside the budget and without any accounting. Spend as you wish. This will allow you to feel free to get more joy out of life and, in the end, will not make a servant of its own budget.
But above all, if you are married, you need to discuss everything with your partner. Discuss not the number, but in general the meaning and necessity of the budget. The reason is very simple: each person sees life differently.
When you speak: "We need a budget"- partner hears"I want to control you».
When you say "We need to plan for major expenses"- another perceives"You spend too much».
Keep this in mind and be prepared for the unexpected turns.
It rules number 2. Create a financial cushion and financial mat
Previously, instead of the phrase "financial cushion" used "for a rainy day." To paraphrase another famous phrase, we can say: "If I knew where you drop, podstelil pillow."
We do not know what events in the future will require us to unexpected expenses, and do not know the volume of these costs, and therefore defer to each income a certain amount.
The greater the amount, the greater the "cushion" and the less painful and stressful to be "financial fall."
The term "financial mat" I thought, trying as best as possible to explain the idea of the second rule. Illustration charged with gymnastic mat, which travel along at a certain place, to soften our fall, because we know that shlopnemsya there.
In our financial lives is also a gymnastic somersaults, time and place of which we know for certain: Christmas gifts, payment for insurance car next move... I mean, we know the events that occur one or more times per year and require a sizeable financial expenses.
For example, if every year you must pay the sum of $ 600, you can create a category of payments each month to hammer in the budget of $ 50. Agree, less noticeable, painful and difficult to allocate in the budget a sum than $ 600 at a time to tear from earnings.
Rule number 3. Let the budget be flexible
Wise people paint their day in minutes, not in order to live strictly within the framework drawn up plans, but not to go astray, and have a solid foundation for improvisation and confident reactions change.
For the budget we have to be treated the same. Make efforts and try to live within a budget, but do not worry and do not strain if you turned overruns in some categories. Sit calmly and decide, at the expense of what category you can make up for the loss. Appendix YNAB It will do it in a matter of seconds.
Do not treat the budget as a foreman. Its mission - to be your informant, helping the conscious handling of finances.
The budget will warn you that if you take the money "here on these things," that at the end of the month you just do not have enough for bread. Are you ready to live a few days without bread? You are welcome. Master of your money remains you. The budget takes care of just that "bezhlebie" was not a surprise to you, and helps to understand due to what you buy "here these things."
Rule number 4. Live on the previous period income
In practice, this rule is simple: in June you receive your salary in May, but make it to the budget of July and, accordingly, are spending in July. And so every month. So you know exactly what the total expenditure planned in the next month, because it is already in your pocket. You do not share the killed bear's skin and feel comfortable and confident.
Of course, at one time, you will not succeed with the first future salary. But the realization of this rule can be specified as one of the categories of the budget and persistently strive for it. Explore 31 Way to Save Money general or Other ways of saving specific categories of expenditure.
Considering that this situation will only be temporary, until you reach the possibility to realize the fourth rule, you can even use extreme savings. From personal experience I know that these "exercises" can additionally open your eyes to many things. It turns out, without much that we believe it is necessary, live more happily and equally comfortable.
Just part of the budget
In this theoretical acquaintance with the rules of YNAB can be considered complete. They are very simple and some seem obvious. Maybe. But in practice, they should be few. Try it and you will be convinced of their effectiveness, how to make sure once I do.
If you do not know how much money to allocate for each item of expenditure, then get to know by pitchers or method of budget planning according to the needs of the pyramid.
And it is better to start simple, make a budget, follow the four rules of YNAB and has become master of finance!