Separate budget: how to save money and personal warm relations
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
What is a separate budget
With a joint budget of all is clear: both partners add up all the income in the bedside table or on one account and manage them together. With separate complex. It is obvious that the couple money (we are not necessarily talking about officially registered relationship, but for convenience we call as people leading a joint household) remain with them. But there are options.
Completely separate budget
Everyone gets his salary, and keeps it in his map. For common purchasing or spouse pay half, or one by one. In this case, one can treat another meal in the restaurant or something to give. Nevertheless, most of the expenses clearly divided equally.
In some cases, if one partner is not enough money for something else can give him a loan.
suitable for
People made up the guest marriage and leading a separate household. In fact, in such a partnership is almost no common costs. For the rest, it is logical to divide expenses equally.
What are the disadvantages
With the general economy is hard enough to keep track of all expenses and achieve equality. On the calculations it takes a long time. There is a risk to come to the clarification, but who ate and how much shampoo spent everything to be fair.
Separate budget prioritization in fees
Here the scheme is approximately the same as that of fully separate budget, but the couple pay bills on line or by appointment. This form of financial management requires perhaps more confidence than the general budget. Expenditure may not be the same, even the cost of basket with food a week sometimes differ by several thousand. A appetites thus may vary.
Expenditure on major purchases at the same time are discussed, as well as their contribution to each partner.
suitable for
Spouses who are not very important to the equal distribution of spending and that a lot of talking to each other. When the ability and desire to hear a partner can achieve the optimal allocation of costs.
What are the disadvantages
It is difficult to count, but who spent and plan costs. Possible conflicts over inequality contributions. In addition, when the difference in income is likely that the cost of one spouse will be critical of his salary. Maybe it is his turn to pay, and the money he will not be.
Separate budget with a contribution to the common fund
Spouses are reset on a monthly basis on the overall cost - usually we are talking about a fixed amount. Contribution can be equivalent or not. Often the size of the contribution of the partners is determined by the income volume use that bought into general funds, and other factors. Major expenses are negotiated.
If the income is small and in a common fund goes almost all the salary would be more correct to call the general budget.
suitable for
This is the most versatile model of separate budget. Easy to controlHow to spend money overall, just enforce the agreements. You do not need to comply with prioritization of expenditure or cleared on cleaner and bread - just the money taken from the general piggy bank.
What are the disadvantages
Virtually no, if periodically make adjustments to the scheme. For example, can raise the price and the total amount will be missed. In addition, it is necessary to discuss what is considered general expenditure, as views on this question may be different.
As separate budget affects relations
Much depends on the relations themselves, if both partners are adequate, any model will do. At the same time, a separate budget has several advantages.
Less reason to quarrel
Money - the most common cause differences in Russian families. According to the poll resultsFamily quarrels and violenceBecause of this quarrel over a third of couples. Separate budget allows you to bypass the sharp corners, but only if the money in the family is enough. If they do not suffice for the most necessary, arguments still may occur.
More security
Personal savings allow to end the relationship at the moment when they cease to hold or become dangerous. The money is needed at least to find accommodation and to move. Separate budget allows not to hide the stash under the floorboard, vygadyvaya savings discounts, and generate a full airbag.
Greater financial independence
At a separate budget you do not necessarily agree on minor spending with your partner. You will not find yourself in a humiliating situation when you have to ask for the second half of the money for tights or jig. You spend your own money that you see fit.
Simply save
If your partner is sabotaging cost control and cost planning, you do it with a total budget of almost impossible. When you separate completely autonomous.
But you have to understand how you do with savings. Let's say your partner is wasteful and does not delay anything. If we are talking about common major purchases, you may have to take all the costs. And much depends on the climate in the family. Someone spends money on themselves and partner with joy, someone will see this injustice.
How to keep separate budget and avoid disaster
Separate budget does not guarantee the absence of quarrels over money. On the contrary, you will have much more to communicate and negotiate, because there are a lot of nuances.
To rebuild when circumstances have changed
In life, not everything develops simple and linear, so you need to be flexible. For example, the birth of a child need to make adjustments. One of the partners takes on maternity leave and lose some revenue. At the same time costs are rising family. To pretend that nothing happened and you can live like before, will not work.
In another he looked at separate budget after birth.
When they began to live together, the husband has offered to put in a common fund of the same amount on food, household goods, housing services. If the money came to an end earlier, each something dokupal at their own expense, nothing will not reporting. Large purchases paid with the card of someone one, and the second and then threw him half of that sum on the card or personally commit.
Then the child was born. I went to decree, Stopped receiving salary and put the money in a common fund. And her husband, too. That is common fund is gone, and I was not the money. Fiat money - about 12,000 - I was asked to put in a common fund.
As a result, when the baby was five months, I had a remote work, and then another and another. About the common fund no one else remembers, everybody spends money of their own. Expenses for child basically mine, because my dad many of them do not see the point. Toys, entertainment - for all the crying I mainly. It is easier to do something or buy the most, than to hear a thousand explanations, how can I do without it.
He moved to the neck of her husband at the time of the mortgage.
We always had a separate budget. Each received a salary to your card to pay for purchases at a time. That is, we have not thrown off in half and for the equality of expenditure not followed, in principle, so that with the same success could be carried and the total budget. But psychologically it is perceived in another way: each whole month had his money he could spend at its discretion. And both spend them wisely: we are a team with common goals and concern for the welfare of each other.
But a year ago, we took mortgage for eight years and decided to pay her for over a year. It could not strain, but it is our choice that forced to tighten their belts. The earnings I fully surrender to early payments. Just a part of his salary comes the husband, and the rest we live.
That is, we move quickly in time for a particular purpose. This is more or less comfortable with just because none of us uses the money to manipulate, both of us are well aware of how our budget and what we have regular waste.
And yet such an option of doing the budget does not free you of the costs. You, if not to a partner, then in front of him must be justified for each waste. Once the mortgage is paid, we will return to the old scheme as the most appropriate for us.
Questions such as the birth of the child, possible dismissal and similar situations, when one of the partners is deprived of income, should be discussed in advance. This is normal - to switch to another financial scheme, if something has changed. If nothing changes separate budget: you are a family, not enemies.
Take into account other resources
Assessing the contribution of everyone in the family business, it would be wrong to consider only the money. For example, you have planned your trip and decide to chip in equally. Only one carries his part on the card to another and quietly waiting for release. And the other one is looking for at this time ticketsBooked hotel thinks routes - spends his time and energy that could be left for something else.
In everyday life is still critical. Not to mention that the person who has more time and effort, can afford to make more money. So that money is not the only argument here.
Embedded in the common cause of money and time.
Now our budget can hardly be called a split, because I do not work for three months. I only have a small income from podrabotok. But before that, everyone always had their own money. Her husband earned first twice, and then eight. For home purchase, I always answered. But as her husband - a big man and eat a lot more, he paid a significant portion of the costs: given a certain amount, and everything above, I would add. Plus he understands that cooking and house - this is a huge waste of time, and the time - money. So it is true when I spend my time and his money.
Of course, with such a difference of income it happens that me something can not afford, such as a vacation. I'm just saying how much money is ready to spend the conditions in which to live. All that her husband wants beyond that, he pays, for example, a more comfortable hotel.
Do not put the financial issue at the heart of relations
On the part of any form of separate budget may look like a sign of mistrust each other. And if such a division of capital leads to scandals and the infringement of someone's interests, you may want to look for a different financial model. Or other partner.
It is important to separate the budget harmoniously fit into your relationship. It works, if the pair have confidence if you know that the partner acts in the public interest, if you are willing to support each other and discuss spending.
He considers an important factor in the confidence of financial matters.
budget discussions have happened only once, at the very beginning of the relationship. The conversation was a bit comical, but I write it off to the difference in mentality. My husband is a Finn and salaries topic Finns, perhaps one of the most taboo. So after 40 minutes of walking around the bush, he finally proposed to discuss that, based on my salary, I could afford in terms of travel and entertainment. We had not yet lived together, so the question of joint purchases was not even considered.
With the growth of confidence in each other has become easier to discuss finances and the problems associated with them. Subsequently, the question of who can afford it, and became the motto of our financial relationships. But all this separation does not mean that we always believe the numbers. I do not know how many times a week I bought a product or how many times he restocking of household chemicals. It somehow all very natural and naturally occurs. Also, we do not consider how much each spent from their savings on personal hobby.
I think that confidence comes from the fact that I see in your partner: the desire to improve the general life, spending a lot of time in joint entertainment and travel, the desire to develop professionally and financially. The same thing is and I have. And if you happen difficult financial situation, I am sure that we will help and support each other without encountering and reproaches.
What form of the family budget you have chosen for yourself? Share in the comments.
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