Why do we never have enough money, and what to do
Get Rich The Financial Environment / / December 20, 2019
We do not conduct budget
Because it's boring. Collect receipts and record all costs - well, yes, there is a more interesting case. Once a week to pay on the edge of the financial abyss, we solemnly promise that next month - no, next Monday - must begin to see to it where the money goes. Of course, this Monday never nastaot.
What to do
Download the app to account for expenses. Or go to the bank's mobile application services that you use, there are certain statistics spending the last month. It is possible that the main items of expenditure have unpleasant surprise: who would have thought that regular trips to the coffee shop to spend so much money.
We do not like to save money
And again - it's boring. Apparently, to repay the loan a lot more fun. root of the problem is that to give up the money for the benefit of even a very specific goal is very difficult. We ought to save up for a car, but what there is, because there are many other items of expenditure, unlike the more attractive. As a result, no car, no money - all spent some nonsense.
What to do
Postpone at least 10% of each paycheck. And it should be done immediately after receiving the money, and not on the principle of "if something will be put in the treasury." Open a bank saving account and set up an automatic translation of a certain amount each time you receive money on the card. If you have a few major goals, such as vacation and buying a car, it is wiser to open multiple accounts and divided between savings, depending on the priority of each goal.
We put everything on then
We ought to pay utility bills, but why, because it can be done in the next month. You can, who can argue, but here's the surprise: have to pay more. And that means you have to be squeezed in the costs. Here's the same story as with the savings: we know that we should not put off, but there are so many temptations that confront them is very difficult.
What to do
Take a salary from which have postponed a 10% savings in the fund, and subtract it from the amount of payment required in this month. Get emergency supplies, to get into that for nothing is impossible. Not to poke fun at themselves, pay bills as soon as possible after the receipt of wages. The remaining amount - your monthly budget.
We can not tolerate plan
Soon the cold, and you do not have a warm jacket. Buy it would be simply too it on sale in the spring. Much more interesting to wait for the first frost, and run to the shops hoping to buy longer anything, just to the right size. In the end, of course, more and overpay.
What to do
Continue reading the article until the end, take a piece of paper, a pen and make a list of the major expenses that are coming to you in the coming months: utilities, expensive purchases, and so on. It turns out the amount that is taken into account in the planning of other expenses. And advice for the future: think a couple of steps forward, so as not to find themselves in situations, when an urgent need something, but no money for that.
We can not save
And if they save, it is not on. Buying cheap clothing or appliances, be aware that these things are likely to quickly come into disrepair. So, hello, new spending!
What to do
Do not buy the bullshit neither cheap tea, which still in the store lid closes somehow or shoes from oilcloth, which is worth a penny, but shattered after the first downpour. You probably know it themselves, but prefer to close their eyes: think of a thing because any so serve. Do not do like this.
We are saving is not what we have
Many costs can easily be avoided if you take care of the things. Even good shoes you can easily ruin one season, scoring on their care. Laziness and lack of time (often contrived) literally vacuuming pull money out of our pocket.
What to do
Accustom themselves to the discipline, no other choice. Wash clothes in accordance with the recommendations on the label, and not as the spirit lay, shoes regularly with water-repellent, do not ignore car maintenance. Finally, visit the doctor: Health also need to watch without having to wait until there will be something serious.
How to change your financial habits
September 20 begins the cycle of open lectures "The financial environment"In Moscow libraries. Once in two weeks on Wednesday, representatives of the Central Bank, known financiers, economists and bloggers will share with the audience the secrets of competent management of money.
The first lecture will be held September 20 at the library named after N. BUT. Nekrasov. Why money is usually not enough, no matter how many of them there are, how to correctly balance the income and expenses on a monthly basis as needed to delay, not to be excruciatingly painful - on These and other questions will be answered the head of the Service for Protection of Consumer Rights of the Bank of Russia Mikhail Mamut and the director of the Banking Institute of the Higher School of Economics Vasily Solodkov. They talk about the effective method for managing personal finances and the tools that help in this, as well as discuss with the audience the typical mistakes in handling money.
The "financial environment" will last until the end of 2018. On the next lectures, experts will share life hacking, how to better conserve and multiply your money as take a loan and do not get bogged down in debt, how to learn to understand the essence of economic news and not be afraid of them difficulties. Lectures are focused on a wide audience with different levels of knowledge of finance and economics. The schedule of lectures can be found at website project.
So, one more time: September 20, 19:00 Moscow, Bauman Street, 58/25, p. 14, Central Library. N. BUT. Nekrasov. Admission is free, but seating is limited, so register in advance via the link below.
Sign up for a lecture