How to live comfortably on one salary
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
And everything seems to be good: the salary was raised to the desired level (though... when it is enough?), Give it in time, you obzavolsya modern gadgets. But by the end of the month the situation becomes sad: eat up the last reserves of provisions for pet food is bought cheaply, and so on. Every time you korish yourself saying, why could not immediately be postponed a couple of thousand to pay?! Revised, bought: another diary, a book that there will be hardly read, shorts, although the yard autumn - and think: what am I such a cretin for now the money would come in handy.
Neil Gaiman, English science fiction writerThe extra money is never superfluous.
Immediately there is a desire to change jobs, because somewhere will pay more, and then the problems should arise. But if you already have, it is not in use, and that you are not able to calculate the budget, so that was enough to end the month on everything you need. You throw money while they are buying rubbish.
How to pull yourself together?
A few simple rules to carry out that at first seems impossible. But over time, gradually accustoming himself to them, you realize that they really are! Retrieved on their own experience. :)
Rule number 1. Do the major expenses in payday, at least - the next day.
Think about what you consistently spend money every month? Make a list with the estimated costs. It should look something like this:
- Products that can be stored for a long time in the cupboard / fridge / freezer - 5000 rubles;
- utilities - 5000 rubles;
- mobile telephony and Internet - 1000 rubles;
- household chemical products - 500 rubles;
- medicine - 500 rubles.
The list, of course, may vary, but the basic characteristic of most families. As you can notice, it's just a part of your earnings. The other part remains. Remember: do not encourage yourself unnecessary purchases (E.g., the tenth sheath on a smartphone). In an extreme case, go to the bowling alley, movie theater, or the skating rink.
Rule number 2. Before going to the supermarket Make a list of everything you need.
Believe me, even during the first hike in the "Auchan" you will notice that you pay less attention to things that are not listed on the shopping list. So you can reduce waste by about 1 000.
Rule number 3. Not vedis stock.
Enough to buy products and chemistry because they are the red price tags attached to them or attractive offers like "third free" or "second at half price." You do, and you know, that such products are often just zalozhivayutsya in the fridge and, in fact, you simply throw away!
Rule number 4. Think about the existence of a market.
Winter in -30 you do not go there, but the summer market - an irreplaceable position. First, here are brought fruits and vegetables directly from the home beds, and therefore less likely eat chemicals. Secondly, there is an opportunity to bargain, and, consequently, to save a money! Do not hesitate to ask if you sell potatoes for 20 rubles cheaper if you take 2 kg. So do all sellers used to it.
Rule number 5. Piggy bank - best friend.
Do you remember as a child were the banks with a slit in the lid? And ceramic piggy bank in the form of various animals. In general, it's time to get a box, in which thou shalt set aside 10-15% of salary. So you will provide yourself nest egg at the end of the month without money, if he will still be penniless, or postponed for a major purchase or even journey. Train your willpower!
Friendship with the indomitable beast
Thanks to these rules, you will cease to complain to friends that again is not enough money for a planned outdoor party. And by the end of the month will notice that even in the fridge is full of food.
Falling in love with money, and then they will love you!