What you need to know to get a loan from any bank
Get Rich / / December 20, 2019
Paul Mukhina
The financial director of construction company "Tekhnostroy".
In life there are times when the money is not at all. In such a situation, of course, do not apply to the ubiquitous microfinance institutions. Comment this thesis makes no sense: the web is enough material on the actual cost of this type of "credits".
To borrow from relatives or friends - also a dubious pleasure. You can spoil relations until the end of life.
If you do not reserve for a rainy day, it is best to contact the bank.
1. Necessary and sufficient condition for a positive solution
So, you need money, and the road led you to the bank. You call their achievements: the car honey, apartment, villa. Employees of the bank cute smile, but you get a failure. Reasons nobody explained, but they are. More precisely, it is always a reason, try to understand it.
Bank created for profit. Charity work done by other organizations.
Bank interested give creditsSince it is his basic salary (we do not consider foreign exchange activities in this article). Of its assets, the bank is small, it attracts borrowed funds and he is a major borrower: investors, the Central Bank, other banks - its creditors.
The Bank operates mainly in highly liquid assets - money. By issuing a loan, the bank is obliged to make a profit, which is formed from the interest rate on the loan.
risks of the bank:
- a situation where a borrower is in bad faith or is recognized as bankrupt;
- mass closure of deposits.
Thus, the bank "sells" the money, and no other meaning in his work there. The bank "sells" you money in installments and want to (have to) get the money for his "goods". Any loan provided the borrower's money in the form of income. The essence of the loan is not for the money, which you do not have, and for the money, which you not nowBut they are there in the future. And this is the future in the eyes of the bank should be rosy, fully predicted and documented, no one will believe in searchlights.
The reason for the negative decision in your case is trivial: you do not have the money in the future. The charges of your assets in the form of real estate and other wealth for the bank is not liquid. Cash flow - this is the only argument in favor of a positive decision on the loan. The rest of your assets will only affect, and then indirectly, on the bank's loyalty.
On the bank's decision also affects a person's credit history - this is the brake factor for the bank. If the client has a good salary, but credit history is tainted, then the bank to the client fails. Banks pay attention to customer's debt to the bailiffs, the availability of microloans to the client.
Eugene Sivtsov, Regional Development Director "Refinansiruy.rf".
A necessary condition for obtaining a loan - to prove a steady income. The fact of income - loan guarantee. the amount of income is important, but it will have influence on loan parameters: the maximum amount, term and rate.
Income for individuals is the salary at the place of work. Determined reference form 2-PIT. Forge makes no sense, since the information on the tax on individuals is in the public domain (Online nalog.ru), especially since the security service of the bank have access not only to open sources. Not officially employed citizens bank fails.
There is a variant with proof of income by filing a tax return on a 3-PIT, which the individual obligation (Article 227, 228 and 229 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) to submit their own in the presence of additional sources income. But how many of you have something to show the confirmation of the declaration?
A sufficient condition for obtaining a loan - income must be in prior periods. In this case there is added another key factor - a proof of your income stability. When you first try to get a loan, you have to work for a long time (usually from three months for a small amount) to the current job.
If you are an experienced borrower, then switched filter bank under the name "credit history». It is a tool for internal use: publicly available data you will not find, it is purely the prerogative of the bank. The meaning is simple: if you successfully "survived" multiple loans without gross violations, especially without overdue debts at the present moment, the effect of this tool, you will not notice. Otherwise, you will be denied. Bad credit history - is proof of the poor quality of your income, their unreliability in previous periods.
Of course, the more the bank will find out about your relationship with the various codes (Civil, Criminal Code). If you are interested, bailiffs, it automatically takes you to the bank's persona non grata.
2. Can I take a loan cheaply
So, if you need money now and you want to, and most importantly, you can give them in the future, then we can proceed to the loan options that you will be given.
Banks are constantly coming up with new loan products: varied rates, changing conditions, "simplify" procedures "return" interest "refinance" something - in other words, engaged in marketing. The essence remains the same: you sell money for money.
The basic postulate - cheap credit does not happen.
With a low rate it is always very difficult in terms of compliance with all the rules to obtain it and, most importantly, the performance of the obligations on the loan. "Fine print" there is particularly fine and insidious. For example, a typical reference in the contract when calculating the rate:
"The rate of 11.5% takes effect subject to the timely monthly payments / proper payment for the first 4 months (when the term of the loan 12-18 months); the first 8 months (when the term of the loan 19-36 months)... "
It seems everything is clear, the rate - 11.5% APR. But look a little higher "rate: 24,9-38,9% per annum (with a term loan of 12-18 months), 22,9-37,9% per annum (at the term of the loan 19-36 months) ..." All at the root It is changing. You take a loan at a rate (for simplicity, we average) 31%, and if within 4 months has not expired payments, you will receive the remaining term of the loan and the remaining body is 11.5% rate.
Of course, it is also very good: the rate fell three times. Since miracles is hard to believe, but altruism bankers do not believe at all, to the question "How is it that the bank has decided to meet me?" there is an answer: "At the time of the conclusion of a consumer credit agreement (loan), effective interest rate can not exceed calculatedThe average market value of the total cost of consumer CREDITS
(Loan) Bank Russian market average value <...> more than one-third "(the federal law" On consumer credit (loans) "of N 353-FZ). Bankers meet the requirements of the law, without losing their profits to the maximum, because 4 months you pay the maximum rate.
We can only continue to fulfill their obligations on time and properly. And it's like? What is hidden under the term "appropriate"? Read carefully the contract is related to article 309 of the Civil Code, and execute properly. Any violation leads to non-performance, and as a consequence, the rate remains very high, credit - expensive.
Getting a low rate on the loan - it is a creative process. Precise algorithms nobody will give you, at your disposal only statistics. Here are just beginning to play the role of indirect evidence of your income: property (the larger and newer, the better), a car (more expensive and newer, the better), regularity trips abroad (Travel abroad in the last six months, will benefit), family (if you are married and you have kids, chances are increasing, but not linear: if you have more than two minor children, it will give the opposite effect), appearance (expensive clothes, accessories - everything goes to you plus).
Often cardholders of salary projects, served in the bank, have the privilege in obtaining credit in it.
Unfortunately, all received bonuses offset by additional bank conditions, for example persistent request to insure the life and health. The amount of the insurance premium can be up to 20% of the amount of the loan itself. Formally, the bank has no right to impose on the service, but to change the loan terms, depending on whether the client's insurance can fully. Total: 11.5% rate + insurance 20% = the same 31%.
More banks earn on commission income and a good income the bank receives it from the sale of insurance. If the client does not have insurance, then it increases the rate by a few points. And usually this insurance is not refundable, even if the client prematurely closed the loan.
In addition to the basic insurance, banks also offer so-called box products. They are usually inexpensive, and the client leaves not only with the signed contract, but also with several "boxes".
Eugene Sivtsov, Regional Development Director "Refinansiruy.rf".
Holders of payroll cards bank in which they take out a loan, you must keep in mind the fact that your credit management, they actually passed directly to the bank. At first glance, the situation is very attractive for both sides to each other, they know, trust established, the loan scheme is clearly simplified, and the probability is very high issuance.
But there is a caveat: the bank has the ability to perform the procedures for repayment of current and other debts without your direct involvement. This right, he definitely will enjoy.
This gun will shoot you in the foot only when life comes a black stripe. It may be a situation where you will need to make a choice between a solution to some of life's difficulties and the need for timely fulfill its obligations to the bank.
When the money is urgently needed here and now, the problem will be a priority before the easily correctable "sins" - once late payments. But the bank will not allow you to just do that: he will take your life in the contract, upon the availability of funds on your card. You risk being left without a penny in his pocket, when it might not be time.
The conclusion from the above suggests a bit disconcerting: cheap take out a loan will not work. One way or another the bankers get their profit margins.
3. Which bank to take credit
In all, if it falls under the definition of Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity".
Article 1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity"
The selection criteria of a particular bank is better to use a geographical. Office, where you faster and easier to get, and there is the best. You will be convenient to solve all the issues personal presence, because only this form of interaction with the bank minimizes banking error.
Deal with issues of unapplied amount should always internally, exchanging relevant securities, confirming the decision of a question. Communication by phone and e-mail is only good for advertising and the imposition of you "superuslovy". The evidence base in Dispute should always be in print, have the date, the signature of a particular artist and blue print.
These issues need to adhere to conservative views. If all of a sudden it comes to trial, will be very difficult to prove without any paper documents that you have fulfilled all the requirements of the loan closing. Supporting SMS, screenshots, recording phone calls in call centers - how many keep this information? But when a year later you find that yours is listed decent debt to the bank on the "closed" loan, with you it will report when crossing the customs control zone at the airport, when will be going on holiday, it will be very unpleasant.
Now on the market a lot of credit brokers, who offer for the commission to obtain a bank loan. But their help is deceptive: they'll take the money from the customer, but the impact on the bank's decision not to be able, if the client is risky. The benefit of treatment to the broker that he will send the application is not in one bank, but several at once. This saves the customer time.
Eugene Sivtsov, Regional Development Director "Refinansiruy.rf".
Some mortgage brokers did not even take a commission for their services (their interest formally satisfy the Bank on the terms of partnership relationships, but in fact, of course, you'll pay). We must understand that the task of the broker - not to take a loan for you and bring you to the credit institution. Upon entering the door, you remain with the bank alone. In fact the broker - a banal advertising agent.
The real benefit of a good broker in his agregatorskih opportunities (solid database of credit products) and insider component (because the credit manager is also a man in the bank).
P. S. Once on the radio in one of the shows on financial literacy voiced the idea of questionable appropriateness take out a loan at all. The message was the following: the credit can be taken only for the purchase of capital goods or assets, the rising cost of which exceeds the current rate on the loan.