12 tips on how to improve the photo quality from your smartphone
A Photo / / December 20, 2019
Smartphone cameras have come a long way in the past few years. Now for the good shot is enough to get your favorite gadget and make a couple of Taps on the screen. Although, if you look at some photos in Instagram, you can see that even this can not please everyone.
In fact, there are many ways to improve photo quality, and if you think that have already reached the maximum of professionalism in this, I have bad news for you. Camera Smartphone each different from the others, so sometimes even small changes can dramatically change the picture.
Our colleagues from Lifehacker.com interviewed a number of experts photographers to select the basic tips on how to improve the photo quality from your smartphone. Take a look at them, maybe tomorrow you'll become popular instamografom.
Correct use light
This advice applies to all phone models: the subject should be facing the light source, but not the camera. The main problem chambers smartphone it is to work with a small amount of light. Therefore, our primary goal - to provide the maximum amount of light the camera. You may need to think a little about how to place an object, but the result you enjoy.
Clean the lens
Silly? And here and there. Wiping the lens before taking a picture, you save yourself from the photos with inconspicuous, but unpleasant spots and dots. If you love to touch the phone greasy hands, this advice can be very useful.
Avoid zoom
Use the physical zoom. How? It is very simple: if you need to remove the object to increase, go up to him. That's all. In an extreme case, if you can not get to the object, you can simply kropnutyh (cut) in the photo editor. Thus you will achieve the same result, without losing anything. A shot with the digital zoom, the picture will be spoiled forever.
Most photographers recommend to disable the flash on your phone and only use it as a flashlight. However, in a situation where you need to take a photo in the dark, the flash can still be useful. Just put it in the «Auto» mode smartphone will decide when it should be included.
If there was a situation in which you are not sure whether you want to flash, then the best choice would be to remove the two photos: one with flash, one without, and after the deal, which turned out better.
Understand settings
Of course, if you're the lucky owner of the iPhone, then the only option available to you - turning on / off the grid. However, if you are using the device on Android, or a third-party application, the number of settings can cause a nervous tic. But they have to understand, especially if you want to improve the quality of their photos.
Check the resolution
Most smartphones allow you to select image resolution. Needless to say, that it should be the maximum for the best quality?
Turn on Image Stabilization
When you press the button to take a picture, then you move a little phone. It also refers to the breath and to various involuntary gestures, which can also zamylit and spoil the picture. Therefore, if you are a sniper, who knows how to control your breathing, you should look for in the image stabilization settings and enable it.
Adjust white balance
Most modern cameras themselves determine the white balance. And, quite well. But in a situation with a small amount of light, even they can make a mess and turn your picture into something terrible and fit only for friends in Instagram. Sometimes the camera takes a few seconds to determine the amount of light. For example, if you abruptly went from the street to the room or vice versa. Giving her those few seconds, you will reduce the chance of a bad shooting photos.
Adjust the exposure
Exposure determines the amount of light that enters the lens. With this setting should be played by yourself, because it strongly depends on the case. The more exposure, the more light enters the lens and the photo becomes brighter and brighter.
Set Colors
If the white balance and exposure setting does not give the desired results, you can try to adjust color reproduction. For example, in GIMP on your computer or an application for smartphones.
Take a picture in black and white
If nothing at all does not work, then you have to be like hipsters and make your picture black and white. In most cases, this filter hides the major shortcomings photos and makes it more interesting.
Some smartphones support the filters in real time, and you can just take a picture of an object in black and white. We do not advise you to do it, because the road will not be back.
Take a picture of less than mediocre with filters
We left the last tip that you first used the rest of the methods used and this only when absolutely necessary. Some filters do make photo unusual and beautiful. But you do not seize chewing gum bad breath in the morning?
It is not necessary to use all the advice for each shot. A little experimentation, you will find the style and the advice that is best to work with your photos. If you have your own tips that we have forgotten, share them in the comments!