8 tips to make the perfect selfie and collect a lot of likes
A Photo Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
1. Avoid direct sunlight
Otherwise, on the face will be shadows that spoil the picture. The best conditions for shooting - a cloudy or overcast day. If the sun shines full swing, take pictures in the shade.
2. Choose an appropriate background
What will be the background - a neutral or bright - a matter of taste. The main thing is that there is no mess behind. At home, the excellent background can serve as a beautiful rug. But it is better to go out and take pictures in front of trees and interesting buildings.
3. Do not be afraid to repeat
Where to draw ideas, not from his own belt. Be alert photos from unusual angles, poses and backgrounds. Add them to your favorites, and then try to re-create your favorite pictures.
4. put a timer
If you have no one to shoot, take matters into their own hands. Literally. For example, set the timer on your phone or buy a special console. In exceptional cases, you can ask for the help of a passerby.
5. Take lots of pictures
The golden rule for a beginner: more - the better. Do as much as possible pictures, even from one angle. Some of these photos you exactly like it.
6. Let the light of your eyes
During shooting, try to catch the highlights in the eyes and emphasize them during processing.
Life hacking: apply a little highlighter on the center of the upper and lower eyelids, and look will be more open.
7. Do not strain
Unnaturalness striking. Relax and move more. Then the photos will turn more lively and interesting.
8. Add bright accents
For example, a hat, eye-catching earrings or juicy lipstick. Accents help to create the desired image and attract attention to the pictures.