7 stressors and how to fight them
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Roman Rybal'chenko
The founder of the online marketing agency Roman.ua.
One hundred years ago, people read all 50 books in a lifetime. Now we are faced with an information overdose. If we consumed in 2007 100,500 words a dayToday this figure has risen to 178,570 words a day.
Industrialization and automation had to reduce the workload and free up time. But it turned out the opposite: we are hostages of technology concerns, notifications and social networks. We think during vacation, during vacation - about work.
We are often dissatisfied with himself. It seems that life is passing, while conditional Masha from social networks live happy and rich.
Growing stress. We are gaining weight or experience will compensate other addictions.
Consider seven stressors of modern man and how to deal with them.
Factor 1. Notifications and distracting calls
When you work productively, it is in a certain flow of information. If you dive deeper, there is a sense of flow. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of the book "
Flow. The psychology of optimal experience"Defines a flow as a state of complete preoccupation work when everything else fades into the background plan, and enjoy the process is so great that people will be willing to pay only for what to be engaged this.Each call diversion, notification or annoying colleague is removed from this state. Once again you tuned in to the job - as soon as there is a distraction. And you just can not go back to the previous flow as before. Or spend time and effort to dive. They say it takes 15 minutes to concentrate again. Increases irritability and discontent.
Solution: put the notice on a diet
Turn off all or nearly all notifications on your phone. You can keep only those that are really important. I have it from the bank SMS and calls.
Turn silent mode on the phone. You can keep vibration. Sometimes it is possible to warn relatives and even disable vibration, and put the phone face down.
It's okay if you answer the call in half an hour or Will you come to social networks to see who layknul your picture during a break without notice.
Useful links:
- How to set up mobile notifications entirely for themselves.
- How to disable pop-up notifications from websites in Chrome, Opera and Firefox.
Factor 2. Switching between tasks
Every day you have a certain amount of mysletopliva - a resource that enables decision-making and thinking. Mysletopliva reserves are limited. There is a difference between when a fresh mind to perform the task in 15 minutes, and thus, when the tired state of trying to figure out what to do.
When mysletoplivo ends, begins the period of "tupleniya" difficult to work with elementary things. Or you can do routine tasks, but do not have the strength to make decisions and creative work.
Where does mysletoplivo? One of the thieves - a wrong switching between tasks. When you have not finished the previous problem and began to make a new one. And once you start to do new, there is another and another. And then do not panic and do not be distressed about the lack of time? As a result, productivity falls and you can not fully implement its plan.
Solution: Pomodoro technique
The technique is so called because its author had used a kitchen timer in the form of tomato.
How does the Pomodoro? Advance component currently writing a list of tasks that must be performed. You're doing this in order not to keep everything in mind and know the order.
The list of tasks of the plant itself timer to 25 minutes of concentrated work (not being distracted by social networking, people, phone calls). You can chat around and say, "Later, I" tomato "."
After each "tomato" - 5 minutes of rest. Even if you want to work even a moment - stop and change the situation (mash, make tea). After four such "tomato" a rest for half an hour.
When I started using this technique, I found that 5-6 "tomato" (3.5 hours), you can do everything that stretched for a whole day. Thus there is time structure: is the rest period, and there is time for the concentrated load. As a result, time to more and not spend a lot of time to return to the task.
Useful links:
- All you need to know about the Pomodoro technique.
- Jedi technique: how to save mysletoplivo at work and in everyday life.
Factor 3. Area of concern over the impact of the field
Stephen Covey in his book "7 Highly Effective People Skills"There is such thing as a region of concern and area of influence.
Area of concern - these are things that we can not control and which can not influence (exchange rate, political situation, the news of wars and disasters).
Area of influence - that is all what we can influence (work, self-development, the improvement of the apartment).
The solution: expand the area of influence, reduce the area of concern
Why worry about things, which can not affect? I do not read the news, not interested in politics, do not follow the exchange rate. Important news will tell me around.
Focus on the impact of the circle. Expand it gradually solving more complex problems. First, to restore order at home, then on the landing, then go to the house, the area and so on. The result - less anxiety, more confidence in their abilities.
Factor 4. Fear does not meet or miss
news feed on social networks to create a perfect picture of the lives of others. And you think: "All such great and successful, but I ..." There are thoughts about what your life is imperfect. The fact is that many people try to appear and not be.
Solution: healthy skepticism
The best way - to communicate and ask questions live as it really is. Many of my friends, that translate into social networks the perfect vacation, but alone can tell us about the challenges and problems.
Thus you destroy your own illusions about other people, less compare yourself with others and move in his direction.
Useful links:
- How to stop worrying about what others think of you.
- How not to get depressed because of what other people have done better than you.
Factor 5. Rush
You're trying to be in time everywhere: to meet friends, work, home. Hurry to live - must faster and faster. As a result of - the internal stress and load unsolved problems. You can not get out of the cycle and fully enjoy life here and now.
Solution: Meditation
Ten days of silence and completely disconnect from the outside world. So I twice went to vipassana. The first time was difficult, I eventually began to remember his past, which until then had been hidden deep inside. I let go of the subconscious anxiety that periodically arise in real life. It was time to rethink everything and calm your mind.
How did the meditation? The whole day you rest and meditate in a group with a teacher who tells us how to do it. You keep silent, and get a minimum of information. Half of meditation - respiratory anapana. The second - the very vipassana. Do you realize that things are changing in the world, taking place illumination.
In the city, you can safely meditate in ordinary life situations, for example in transport or at home. Let go of your thoughts and relax. Through meditation, improves sleep quality, comes dealing with the past, uncovered problems and experiences.
Useful links:
- Productive ROMAN # 14. Special Issue. How does meditation on productivity?
- meditation technique, which was really useful.
- New research to clarify how meditation improves our health.
Factor 6. Little time alone with yourself
You're constantly surrounded by people: at work, at home, in public transport. Remember the last time you stay alone with your thoughts? It is important to disconnect from the outside world and devote time to self-discovery. To communicate with the people you spend energy and time alone with him - it is a way to recharge. When you listen to yourself, it is best to understand their capabilities and desires.
Solution: cyclic sports, martial arts
During the run time I can do something to rethink and to be alone. I leave the problem and just run.
I recommend to choose this type of activity in which you are engaged, individually or at a minimum to be distracted by other people. It may be cyclic sports: running, swimming, cycling. Not bad helps martial arts. Entering the room, you leave all the experiences of the door and practicing punches, somersaults.
Useful links:
- Why running helps us to think.
- Like running, swimming and cycling help to become more confident.
- 18 unexpected things that happen to run by amateurs.
Factor 7. Abandoned unsolved problems
The most typical - health problems. For example, back pain and torture for weeks. And could immediately solve the problem: go for a massage or change the mattress.
So it is with mental problems. Our mentality is not accepted to go to a psychoanalyst and admit it. We come up with many excuses: expensive, it will not help, will take place itself. Many turn to friends and family for advice. But, in my experience, it does not give long-term and high-quality effect.
Solution: time to diagnose and fix
When I have problems, I refer to a specialist. A good doctor will tell you how to improve physical health. A good analyst will recognize the problem, change the attitude and finally deal with it.
Better to spend time solving problems now than to be constantly under stress.
Useful links:
- 7 common misconceptions about psychotherapy.
- Medical procedures, the passage of which we should not forget.
- How do you know that it's time for an appointment with the therapist.
How to reduce stress in your life: a check list
- Disable notifications or reduce their number in your phone, your computer.
- Work concentrated: use the technique Pomodoro.
- Think less about what you can not change, work on the area of influence.
- Destroy illusions about the ideal life of others.
- Meditate.
- Set aside time to be alone with him.
- Solve problems with health care professionals when and not procrastinate.