19 tips that will be useful for your child
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Every parent knows that parenting is the most difficult task in the world. You can quite easily teach your child to solve difficult problems or to turn a somersault, but much harder to make it a real person. This will not help you either tutors or teachers - only independent daily manual work. And our list of tips that will not hurt to know every child.
Relationship - it is a trifle, which is of great importance
Do not put your attitude to people dependent on how you are your deeds. Or, even worse, how are their deeds. Try to change your attitude to friends, relatives and colleagues just because of their actual words and deeds, and not under the influence of mood, the weather or political news.
It is all about perception
In most cases, it is our perception of the world and people is a decisive factor for success or failure. That is how we see ourselves and our place in the world, can be a major limiting factor for the development or permanent incentive for self-improvement.
do not give complaints
The desire to once again complain to life only makes you weaker. Forget words that you someone has you or something not given, and replace them with "will", "take", "will achieve."
Positivity always pays off
Smile and good humor to appear on your face, not only while watching cartoons. positive attitude It makes your life easier and to attract you many friends. He will make you healthier, but also make it easier to solve any problems.
Get rid of anxiety
Anxiety, fears, experiences - these are your enemies. They make their way into your life and gradually occupy the entire space, which will be able to reach. Drive them away while they are small, do not let them get stronger. Most of the reasons for concern exist only in your imagination.
Do not hide from the new - run after him
Only in this way you will be able to live a decent and rich life.
It's not as bad as it seems
Some of the events of your life will seem completely terrible disaster. Believe me, this is not true. About most of them you can not recall without a smile just a year later. And in general can not remember in five years.
Everything in life is interconnected
Any event in your destiny is cause and effect. Not all people understand it, and only a few can use this knowledge meaningfully.
changes needed
Changes - this is life. Every minute we ourselves and everything around me and to stop this process is impossible. Therefore it is better not to focus on how to cement the past, but on the what will be your future.
You can do more
You think I'm lying to you? I just want to maintain morale? Not at all. Anyone who does not know their limits, and you as well.
The problem - it is a sign of progress
If you occasionally have problems, it does not mean that life to you as a particularly cruel. Obstacles always occur in the way of people who are moving forward.
Do not confuse motion and achievement
Between "always busy" and "achieved results" can sometimes be a very large distance. Horse on a carousel, too, like constantly jumping somewhere, but this movement in a circle.
You can not achieve anything if you do not try
Every achievement, every victory only comes to those who dare and tried. This is where lies the line between those who always wants something, and those who have.
"Right" and "easy" is almost always oppose
Perhaps the most important skill in life - is the ability to choose between right and comfortable. Do what is necessary and important and not something that seems easy, convenient and enjoyable.
Find your business
You can achieve a good result only in the fact that you I like to do. Try to find a just such a job about which you before bedtime will remember with pleasure.
If you do something, try to do it well
It does not matter the name of your profession and position. What matters is how well you will do the trick. These masters are appreciated in any case, while mediocre performers simply nowhere to go.
Opinions of other people - it's just other people's opinions
Never allow others to shape your reality. Yes, their voices need to be taken into account, yes, you need to listen to them, but no more. Do what you think is right is you, not the people around you, can be very difficult, but without it you do not become a person.
Distinguish between laws and regulations
Rules can be and sometimes you need to break the laws - not.
Perseverance is everything
Not all problems can be solved by a dashing attack. Not all skills can be learned after a couple of hours of classes. You will need great tenacity to achieve a result. That perseverance is the wild card that can replace intelligence, agility, courage, luck - in general, any card that you did not get under the divine hand.
And what advice would you add to this list? Or maybe something deleted?