How to have time to live and work at the same time
A Life / / December 19, 2019
The first people got along quite well with bananas shearing palm over his head, then with the development of our agriculture ancestors had to strain for several months of the year, during the sowing and harvesting, and today high-tech office tribe forced to work without raising her head has twelve months. And some work not only in officially allowed time, but also strive to capture still and hours of rest.
As a result, sooner or later, the person starts to suffer from overload, overwork, stress. His problems begin in his personal life, deteriorating health, and at work is quite possible the complete failure due to accumulated fatigue.
1. We are used to plan work? Now plan to stay!
Around us there are thousands of tools for planning work tasks, but very little reminding us about the rest. Therefore now install on your computer one of the programs, which will take you to lock the screen at regular intervals and to expel from the table to light workout. Open your calendar and select one day a week for the family.
2. highlight priorities
We all suffer from the fear of something not in time, do not know not to visit, not to see... spend hours on the pictures to Facebook and tank games, read thousands of news and television every evening chew the cud.
We always pressed for time, there is never enough time for the most important thing.
Then blame the lack of clear priorities.
Just sit down one evening and a good think about what you really want. Write your three main goals on paper. For some reason, I'm sure that this list will not "become the only spectator who finished watching this series to end" or "become the best virtual tanker in the country ". Spend time in accordance with their priorities.
3. Avoid other people's problems
Yes, it needs to clearly see the border that distinguishes their interests from outsiders. But if you are sure that this problem is a problem or a situation forced upon you to another's will, try to avoid them. Otherwise you will always carry out the desire of others in an effort to please everyone, but in my life time and does not remain.
4. Rely on professionals
The main currency that is in the earth - this time. Everyone has a limited supply of this resource, and it is never replenished. But there is one way to save time (and spend someone else's). Try, whenever possible, to delegate unpleasant, severe, destructive, tedious tasks to other people. you pay moneyWho earn more, but save time, which is priceless.
5. Five minutes for yourself
Do you like to feel like a hamster running on the wheel of endless life? Probably not. Maybe this animal strongly businesslike and good muscles, but with a head clearly something is wrong.
Try at least for a short time to jump off the carousel of life and hide away.
Maybe this will be meditation, read clever books, journaling or just thinking about life - in any case, it will make you one step better, happier and more successful than you were before.
In conclusion, small infographics showing some interesting trends in the labor modern office worker (the data are collected on the basis of an online survey of about two thousand Internet users).