4 people punctual habits
A Life / / December 19, 2019
If you are constantly late and want to stop it, try to adopt some habits punctual people.
1. They evaluate realistic time charges
Punctual people know how much time will be spent on this or that matter. But those who are late, on the contrary, all too optimistic estimate. If one day they came to work for 20 minutes, then I think it will last forever. However, they forget about the 99% of the time was spent on the road for half an hour.
To develop at a more realistic attitude to time, write down how much, in your opinion, go to your morning routine and the way to work. Then within a week to track how many really long it takes.
2. They plan to reserve time
Punctual people usually come before the rush and delays cause them stress. Is late too, are experiencing stress, the only difference is that they do not tend to come early - they try to come to the minute.
Planning road, punctual people take into account the unforeseen circumstances and cork. Some even the day before the event go to learn the road, if it has been in this place before. So, if you want to arrive on time, plan to arrive early.
3. They all ordered
45% of the daily activities we do on the machine. Our life consists of habits, and they are needed, otherwise we would have a lot of time was spent on it, to decide how to brush their teeth, or which way to go to work.
Habits punctual people clearly structured. These people analyzed their daily activities, we have developed a comfortable routine and stick to it. Those who are always late, on the contrary, not structured their lives. Instead of thinking that their routine is not so, and something in him changed, they just hope that they will be better tomorrow.
4. They are comfortable with the unallocated time
Since punctual people come before the appointed time, they still have the extra 5-10 minutes. At this time they check mail, read or simply enjoy the solitude.
Those who are always late, can not tolerate such delays. To treat them quieter, bring something that will help pass the time. If you know that you do not have to languish in anticipation of the event, it will not be so hard to leave earlier.