Nicholas Carr that the Internet is doing to our brains
A Life / / December 19, 2019
What may look like 3 minutes on the Internet? You read an article on the network, and at this time receive a message with a link to some funny photos, which you, of course, want to share with your social network. So instead of viewing the article you have a tape of friends in social networks. There you can see a video on how to attack the panda baby, and then you immediately go to Wikipedia for to learn all about the aggressive behavior of these animals... Now, what may look like your three minutes network.
Do you think if there are minutes in a day is not three, but in tens and hundreds of times more, whether we will be able to memorize new information normally? The answer is probably "no" than "yes". And it's very sad.
Interesting video in which Nicholas Carr, author of the book «The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains», 4 minutes very lucidly demonstrates the reasons for the congestion and the inability to properly perceive the information, memorize it and learn something new.
So, after three minutes, and saturated Read This aggressive behavior of pandas in Wikipedia, we move on. We constantly live in this rhythm and this way of life, of course, affects us. Internet makes us more superficial. We do not delve into the essence.
In order to better understand the situation, we must go back a little in time. For example, in primitive times. You want to know as much as possible about what is going on around you, because the more you know, the less chance of being attacked by a predator.
Also, it is a testament to the fact that in our brain to produce dopamine - a neurotransmitter pleasure which chemically affects our brains and gives "reward" our brain for what he seeks and finds a new information.
The problem today is that the predators we no longer threatened, but our brain has remained the same. And now there's the Internet - the network saturated incredible amount of information created specifically for us. And that's why we spend so much time there. Images, sounds, texts, words. All this makes us compulsive behavior, forces us to constantly check smartphones, casual glance in your mailbox. We live in a constant state of distraction and interruption.
Which is dangerous because... Because this mode of thinking displaces more immersive, quiet mode. And it is this focused, quiet option is a way of thinking, by which we learn. This process is called memory consolidation.
This process of transferring information from our short-term memory to our long-term memory. And just so there is a moving information from our working memory to long-term memory, in which you create a link between this information and all that you know.
So, you have this cool, life-changing piece of information in your short-term memory. But then you hear the notification that a new message has come, and... Pshshshsh, the information disappears. This letter has taken its place. And because of these constant distractions so you never chance to learn something will not appear yet.
The key is attention. And if we lose control of our attention or we are constantly sharing it, we can not really enjoy the process of consolidation.
But now you can hear from many: "Why learn something if now all the information is in one of the world search click away from you? "The fact is that now the small changes taking place in us, in our change intelligence. If you are using this way your mind - to quickly find the right information quickly and forget it - you never will be new knowledge. You will be simplified... like a computer.
This means that our humanity is in danger. And it will be a pity if we assimilate. Because humanity is very rare. If you look at most the greatest works of art - they are created by people who were able to focus and control their minds. This allows us to think. To think conceptually, critical and very creative. And it is this type of thinking risks being blurred one video SEAL every time.
Do not get us wrong. Internet - it is good for many things and we have to enjoy it. But the best thing we can do for our minds - is to find a little time each day to disconnect, relax and concentrate on one task at a time. Your mail and cats are not going anywhere and will wait for your return.