As the country's Audi and BMW conduct crash tests laws
A Life / / December 19, 2019
We are accustomed to thinking of laws as something global, top-down and hit a simple layman, like an ax head. This article Layfhaker offers a glimpse into the "holy of holies" of the German Bundestag, which produces and "feel the strength of" new laws. We were just amazed at the professionalism with which the Germans approach to law and firmly convinced of one thing: the rules binding execution, if they are written by a competent hand, can be successfully used not only within the country for which they are published, but in a small society. For example, in your personal, singular and unique microcosm, called "family".
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The last time we dealt with "regulations"Which turned out to be not so scary - just the result of someone else's experience, the call does not come twice on the same rake. We found that prescriptions issued a "team on the ground" - the people who know the specifics of his district, city, village.
By the way, this is why the complaints of many readers to the fact that "we have, with our government, it is not a ride," absolutely baseless. You can make an order in my entryway! Suppose, to make a schedule of cleaning the stairwell (in Germany do just that), and no government will forbid you to live in a clean entrance. In this case, no one will come to nothing forces. Each tenant has the right to either follow the rules or send cleanly neighbors, rightly earning the most universally despised. Here's how it works.
But today we are tying to personal initiative and talk about state initiative. Today - the story of things larger than a prescription. It's about the Law - enforcing the Government, the seal fastened to the indispensable, mandatory implementation. And at the same time I suggest you to go there, which can not penetrate even the Angela Merkel in the "holy of holies" of the Bundestag, which tested the strength of projects for future laws.
All decisions made by the parliament in Germany (Bundestag), ie a body which consists of representatives elected by the people. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, because, in fact, it is not just the representatives, and people who are able to given to draft laws for discussion and testing among scientists - sociologists, economists, psychologists, political scientists.
Simply put, every decision, before it sees the light, it discussed whole institutions.
In Germany, it is impossible to imagine that one person, only on the basis of its national importance, received, suppose the law on the introduction of a permanent summer time. If such a law was proposed to the German parliament, dozens of scientists and specialists in many areas initially would have calculated all the possible consequences of its introduction, and then... this would be suspended measure. What did Russia now - after three years of heavy for the population.
In this case, it should be noted that people who have the draft laws on the strength and intelligence, absolutely secret. No one - neither Angela Merkel nor the head of the Panamanian mafia - can not influence neither on the study of these people, nor to their final verdict. As professionals, subject to the laws, comprehensive verification, nobody knows these people. Just an ordinary scientist. A dime a dozen these scientists. And only a mother's heart guess, what does her child. And, perhaps, to the advice of his mother, these people are very even listening, studying the possible effects of exposure to the fate of the society of those or other bills. :)
I want to suggest you watch the work of these people, to make sure that the bread (without red caviar and other delicacies on it) they eat for good reason.
Draft laws are being tested as thoroughly and tightly as the German cars in the famous BMW-AUDI-MERCEDES ADAC crash tests. They twirl, beat about all the angles - in short, are tested for strength.
Let's imagine that we need to test the strength of a new definition to the bill. Definition of a "primary cell of the state." In this case, we do not use the German definition of primary cells (which makes no sense to test, because it is perfect), and the definition in the I think, fully reflecting the idea of the traditional Russian values ( "The Family as the foundation of the state", Politics, and the State right. 2014. № 6).
Thesis: The foundation of the state is the family
Here is the definition:
From time immemorial people live in families. The history of mankind - is the story of a family. The family is part of the state system. Family, according to traditional notions, this is a basic unit of society, characterized by, inter alia, the following essential features of stable:
- union of a man and a woman;
- family members are linked common household;
- entry into marriage;
- the desire for the birth, socialization and education of children.
So, getting the wording in the Parliament, we as representatives of the people's power, then direct it to the consideration of the scientists that they have confirmed that this formulation does not hurt people on which we are working (that is people).
The first thing you pay attention to political analysts, this is a fact that we consider a certain cell, which should be the basis of the state. Thus, we need to formulate the conditions of being in this cell, so that it includes all citizens. Otherwise, we will have the umpteenth percentage of "outsiders" - people outside of the primary state of the cell. The more people, the less stable foundations of the state.
Let's see the first thesis. From time immemorial people live in families.
This definition of "pops" from the primary social cell of people who prefer to live alone. Unless they are members of society, the social unit ...
The second thesis. The family is the union of a man and a woman.
Now in the list of outsiders get the men who prefer to live with men and women who choose to live with women. There are, however, a way to exclude these people from the list of outsiders, to stuff them in prisons and psychiatric hospitals or sending "a hundred the first kilometer, "pretending that these people have no trace... but this measure does not make the state more stable and democratic.
Third thesis. Family members are linked by common life.
Once again the problem, say participants crash test. There are many people who do not let in their household one cell, but do not want to live alone. These people are willing to meet with other such selfish "on the side", carried out in a range of improvised family for a while, but eventually returned to him, in his solitary "nest" to re flit from him. (In Germany, such a one-day family called "Family Weekend".) According to the above definition of "family", these people also fall into the category of outsiders.
The thesis of the fourth. Indispensable entry into marriage.
And here "bummer." Many people live together for years without experiencing any desire in any way to register their relationship. What to do with them ...
Thesis fifth. The desire for the birth, socialization and education of children.
In any country there are people who do not want (or are not able) to produce offspring. Under the proposed definition of family to us, they too fall into antisocial detachment.
So, in our "primary and most important cell" were only a couple: man-woman, fixated on the establishment of a joint life and the birth of offspring. But the government - is not a fur farm, where the main task - to increase birth rate! In the state and live artists and scientists and freethinkers and dissenters, and hippies, and just older people who want to be left alone.
In order not to complicate the situation further arguments, I suggest you define the primary social unit, taken in Germany. That is the definition that has already passed the "crash test" and is perfect. Article 12, the protection of the personal sphere of each individual.
Thesis: The Basics of the state is and microworld
Here is the definition:
Everyone has the right to their own, personal, untouchable microcosm. Untouchable microcosm - is:
- Your identity (right on the senses, the name of the selection of clothing, hairstyles, religion, way of thinking).
- Physical integrity (non-intervention - including health - in your body, your body's immunity to everyday situations).
- Intimacy (the right to choose friends, relationships, personal ideas about comfort - the right to start a family or to live in some other way, according to your preferences).
- Personal space, communication (right at the beginning and the development of relationships - intimate and friendly - with other people).
- . Sexuality (the right to choose their sexuality) * (* where there is a stipulation of age: the state has the right to intervene when it comes to minors.)
Small and cozy microcosm, separated from the winds and storms of four walls, is the basis of all bases. As stated in the law, everyone has the right to this very microcosm. Note, we are not talking about the family, namely his own, personal, unique space. First of all - private sheltered space. And then you have the right to decide with whom you live, where to live and how to live, whether family start; and if so, what will this family.
The definition of "the cornerstone" of the above, inherent in many developed countries. But in Germany (as opposed to, for example, from France or the United States) your little personal space on the legislative level can not be bench at the train station or the likeness of a phone booth, where they lived a happy family of crocodile Gena Cheburashka. You do not just have the right to his apartment, but must have a per se.
In Germany, the apartment in the main shot. But if you do not have money for housing removal rates, the state completely free of charge to provide you with the necessary amount. guaranteed to every citizen of the country is not just a microcosm, but a microcosm of a warm bed, a cooking stove and a bathroom in which there is water.
In addition, if you remember, the law stated (Article 12, paragraphs 3, 4) that no one has the right to violate your personal space - both in order to destroy it, and to improve the conditions of your existence. This last point is very important: no one has the right, even from the breadth of the soul, or in good faith, to reproach a man that he lives alone; recommend to get married (to be married).
Such actions are illegal and are considered as an insult and an attack on individual freedom. (Involuntarily comes to mind is our native, sacred, "It's time to get married, my dear, and that so and will sit on the shelf!". Or: "What, still not married? Are you of those... ")
It is interesting to note that, according to research by the same "crash team" is like "friendly" to interfere in the private sphere human encourage young people, without going through the necessary stages of personal maturation, throw, like in a whirlpool, in family life, with no the necessary experience in domestic, sexual and personal relations, nor the elementary wish: everything is either "out of spite" or to "more We did not reach them. "
The result - a lifetime "strap Burlaka" with its quiet hard drinking and her tears in the pillow, and at worst - household stabbing with a scandalous divorce (if after stabbing still have someone to divorce). And when the "caring mother" complained to me: "That was good, drops in the mouth does not take, and married - get drunk and beats her how much in vain," - I shrug. You yourself forced to marry him, themselves ahead of the natural course of events, themselves broke his psyche! Now what are you complaining about ?!
As for the favorite and the most common form of existence, in Germany, this "home alone". But please, no associations with "bobylom" or "Madame - bluestocking"! Simply, many extremely value their independence and prefer to remain independent, even joining with each other in sexual and family relations.
If as a result of this relationship the child is born (which is unlikely for general sexual literacy), no one is dragged into court and will not be forced to register the relationship. The two have a right to choose whether to continue to live independently, whether to join in a formal relationship or leave.
this kind of freedom favor a few items, such as the system of benefits for single mothers (fathers) and mandatory health insurance.
Single parent state allocates grants and provides its benefits. So even if the couple is not painted and alimony can not expect from someone, then mom (dad) with a child not only disappear, but will also have the opportunity to build on the favorable financial basis for their future life will.
The conclusion from what has been said so. The law, as well as prescription - this is not the "Shrek" limiting our freedom, but quite the contrary - a holistic, well thought-out system designed to protect us. To protect the human as a unique, unique personality.
The cellars where the light is born
In conclusion of this short review I want to respond to the comments of one of the readers on the three principles of conscious freedom.
- What I do not lead to unexpected, sad, tragic consequences.
- Those objects, mechanisms (domestic and industrial), which I use, will not change its intended them functions.
- The people with whom I talk, fail to appear to me as a potential threat.
Comment was: "I did more than 20 years living in Germany, but these three principles have never heard of. Or did not pay attention. You can refer to this? ".
I would like to answer you with a quote from "Hamlet": "There are more things on earth, Horatio, that the sages did not mold to the Internet."
But this is a joke. In fact, three of these principles are armed with the very same team that tests the laws to "crash." The team operates does not endorse, and, as I said, "only a mother knows these people in the face." Something she looks like (not my mother, and the team) to "command" to select films for the awards "Oscar". Those, too, are secret, and no one knows if they exist at all. Explanation of "encryption" is simple. No one should be able to influence these people.
I was very lucky. A few years ago I came to the reading of one of the federal laws.
Here in this mirrored elevator I had to go down to the nth underground floor of the Reichstag ...
From the elevator you get into the whole network of underground corridors, leading to one of the isolated space where directly passes zachitka projects.
Feeling frankly, claustrophobic. At some point, my mind is so tense that I had to stick in your ears, "bananas", not to hear echoes of their own footsteps in the empty space of the unreal.
It was great that I was allowed to take some photos - a very large personal ties, with a very big exception to the general rule.
When closed, the conference room, I had to read the document, again caused the trembling knees: "Subscription of non-disclosure." Lest you suspect me perjurer, it is worth explaining, perhaps, that at that time I was working on artwork, which touched upon the adoption of laws in Germany. So that the document had clearly stated what I have a right to speak, and what - no. I had no right to name names (and do not do it), I had no right to mention the bill discussed and mention specific people to discuss it.
So, Member of Parliament read the draft of a law. Scientists have listened to him, made the necessary notes and said they are ready to start a discussion.
After that I was honorably escorted out of the hall discussions. All further held behind closed doors.
After some time, the finished result "crash test" went "up" in the Parliament - possibly, for a new debate on the bill. And so to the full, brilliant otshlifovki text of the future law.
A small digression
In the Bundestag, I was lucky more than once. After discussion I was introduced (again, by and large good connections) with the doctor of medical sciences - from the most closed groups. His parents were born in East Prussia - the current Kaliningrad region. Since a couple of years I have lived in Kaliningrad, and even wrote a novel about the city, we very quickly found a common language and become friends.
Recently, while working on this article, a Russian news I learned that the State Duma deputies proposed to the bill interesting: frightening images print on fast food. Taking advantage of a good relationship with the person who is experiencing in Germany the laws "on the strength and expediency "I met with him and asked how their team would have taken such a legislative sentence.
Let me remind you that the aim of the parliamentary initiative is to "bring to the consumer warning information about the dangers of fast food. In particular, such information is requested to place on fast food advertising and packaging in fast food restaurants. In addition, the MPs want to picture the consequences of disease placed on the packaging, which may cause regular consumption of a product. "
The conversation did not last long. After hearing the above text in my translation into German, member of the "crash-test bills" I laughed and said: "With political and financial point of view, I can not judge, but it is clear that doctors are against such a law, because there is attempt to associate food with disease and death, which is extremely detrimental impact on the health and mental condition of the people, the food consuming. If any food is harmful, do not release it to the market at all. You can also explain to the people in the press that fast food is bad. But not the way of introducing people to the subconscious aversion to food. This can cause more harm bòlshy than themselves consumable products. Side effects - over time, a person may experience a strong bond with all the unpleasant way of food (whether it be fast food or high-quality food at an expensive restaurant), which will increase the risk of gastritis disease (purely nervous disease) and bulimia (panic attacks feeling of hunger, the feeling that you do not eats that food is not digested), as well as lead to depression and psychosis. Considering that fast food consumption mainly young people, we can confidently say that the introduction of such a measure adversely affect the whole generation. "
And that we are thus representative of the authorities, gave me a visit to the "crash lab." I finally got out into the open!
If you notice, I am so excited by all experienced, seen and heard, that during a private conversation even forgot to pull out "bananas" from his ears. If it is fair to say at this point I was most worried about my stomach. Nerves he just turned inside out. Standing next to a deputy, I was only thinking about one thing: if there is here under the dome of the Reichstag, toilet ???
When I got to the coveted toilet, then dropped to her knees and vomit him his breakfast. And then for a long time sitting on the sterile tile floor, wiping the tears spoke to the face and thinking, "Well, why do we have it is not so! Why do we have all through the ass!!! Why does Germany want to puke when laws twist on the "centrifuge", and we have - after they come into force... "
That's it.
Yours faithfully, Yuri Balabanov