How to get information on healthy diet
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Make sure that what you read and watch, you need no less than a diet.
Information as food
We always eat more if a lot of food on the table. The same applies to information consumption. When the source of many, we are hard to stop. In addition, the media try to increase the time users spend on the consumption of their content. For this, we fed that entertains, excites or irritates us.
Your thoughts depend on the ideas that you consume. The better and more diverse the information received, the more interesting your own ideas. So be careful about how much time is spent daily on social networks, news sites and other media.
information consumption pyramid
In order to better control the process of media consumption, the founders site developed a pyramid. It consists of six stages. On the top - harmful information, which need to spend as little time as possible. On the bottom - that helps to develop and should be the foundation of your "diet".
1. Red stage: Toxicological Information
At this stage the media that publish false information and engaged in propaganda. They distort our perception of the world. Such media specially fed news in exaggerated form, to seize our attention and escalate the situation. You should not trust them at all, and spend time on them.
2. Orange stage: blind consumption
This collection of news collected algorithms, as well as TV. Although the news is usually a lot of negativity, we still strive to find them, so we arranged. Our brain pays more attention to information that frightens and disturbs us. Once it was necessary for survival. And now, we continue to reach out to such content from the tendency to confirm their own point of view and the herd instinct.
3. Yellow step: reacting
In this group, everything that requires interaction. For example, different messengers. provedThe Relationship Between Facebook Use and Well-Being Depends on Communication Type and Tie StrengthThat such communication is useful: it makes us happier. However, this does not apply to e-mail: letters are necessary, but they often cause stress.
This includes video content, we choose independently. It is better to look for something interesting for you than the whole day off the news offered by terrestrial TV. Choice - it is also a form of interaction with the world.
4. Blue stage: participation
To choose content or actively participate in the creation of pleasant and useful. For example, computer games positivelyAction video game play facilitates the development of better perceptual templates impact on the functioning of the brain. nastolki protectLeisure Activities and the Risk of Dementia in the Elderly from cognitive impairment and coaching skills. Watching movies, even sad, makes us happier. A reading fiction books developsReading Literary Fiction Improves Theory of Mind empathy.
Create your own content - selfie and video - has become commonplace. Such a creative process, besides associated with communication, improves mood and life satisfaction.
5. Brown stage: training
This is all that we have developed and helps to learn something new. For example, non-fiction books, quality journalism, podcasts.
Learning a new boosts our self-confidence as well as helping to establish ties with the people. When we think that we have learned something useful, we feel happier. We need it for the psychological well-being.
6. Green stage: self-development
At this stage, that helps us as a whole to become better. For example, books on self-development, cultural activities, and especially art. It teaches us to identify non-obvious connections, develop creative thinking and intelligence.
The very complexity of understanding the art of making it in our presentation more valuable. Realizing it, we feel happier. Reading books, visiting museums and exhibitions makes us smarterLearning to Think CriticallyAnd trips to the theater developLearning from Live Theater tolerance and empathy. Listening to music improves mood, and even good for your health.
Look at what stage of the pyramid take up most of your time. Treat consumption information consciously, so it does not consume all your life.
see also
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