Playing with intelligent materials
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Previously, people are more versed in what it consists of things and how they are made. And this knowledge they used to create these things something different, completely new. In the second half of the twentieth century, the need for this has disappeared. Catarina Mota hopes that with the arrival of our lives "smart materials" - conducted fabrics and inks, photosensitive materials - the situation will change and people will be able to start creating new and amazing things by their hands.
Some of the most interesting and useful inventions, ranging from mountain bike and ending with the aircraft, were not made by professional design offices and amateurs.
For example, Hannah Perner-Wilson creates an "electronic devices out of nothing." A piece of paper and copper strips connected by a magnet with mp3-player - and you are ready to paper speaker. Perhaps before flying cars that were promised to us science fiction writers, is still far away, but in reality there is much more interesting and useful things. After all, if life is not fair, it is necessary to fix it on their own;)