Time paradox: how to get the most out of it?
Productivity A Life / / December 19, 2019
Live - means change, change - means to grow up and mature - hence constantly create himself. (C) Bergson
We live in a crazy world. Work, school, family, sports, travel - every person "million" of diverse tasks. How to balance between them and get maximum results with minimum time spent?
These issues is given well-known entrepreneur, one of the most influential people in technology, the founder of BTM Corporation - Faisal Hawk (Faisal Hoque). He looks for answers in his new book, written in collaboration with writer Drake Baer (Drake Baer), - «The points of contact: how to change and lead to creative era of innovation and sustainability" (Everything Connects: How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability).
The book will be released in February next year, but for now we present to your attention a few ideas from it concerning the paradox of time. Perhaps they will help to rethink your views on their working time.
Consciousness and time are inseparable
Henri Bergson - a distinguished philosopher of the twentieth century. A representative of such a flow, as a philosophy of life. In 1927, Bergson was awarded the Nobel Prize - for "rich and animating ideas and excellent skill with which they were presented." scientific ideas had a strong influence on French society of the first half of the twentieth century. His keen mind allowed him to perform the main function of the philosopher - to show people new to the long-familiar things.
Like many geniuses, Bergson was engaged in rethinking the concept of time. For him, the human mind - is constantly changing, creative reality stream in which only thinking of the surface layer. In the deep layers of the mind only conceivable intuitive (instinctive). Thus, Bergson contrasted intuition Intellect. According to him, intuition allows a person to grasp the essence of "living integrity" phenomena.
On the basis of these theses philosopher, he developed the theory of "pure duration." Its essence lies in the fact that the intellect (that is, an instrument of knowledge of material things) is associated with the space, and intuition (that is, an instrument of intangible knowledge) - with the time. In this regard, the space - this is characteristic of matter, and time - characteristic of life.
However, this is not seconds or minutes. Bergson criticized the mathematical time, calling it "Tirana". From his point of view, it can be useful for research, but not for life. While the essence of life and Bergson calls' duration. "
Based on the concept of Henri Bergson, Faisal Hawk concludes that the objectives of management - it is actually a time management, and it, in turn, have mind control. In other words, when someone puts you tasks (or someone you put them), he does not just dispose of your time, in fact it controls your life.
Valuable is not the time, and the result
Question the essence of time defined not only philosophers, but also businessmen. So, it is also trying to understand the nature of the teacher of the Harvard Business School, a fund manager Fidelity Management, author of articles for the magazine of the prestigious Harvard Business Review - Bob Posen (Bob Pozen).
He argues that common today, hourly labor assessment is incorrect. After all, professionals are valuable for the company did not spent their time, and the results produced with the help of their knowledge. Measuring the quality of time, managers distract workers, not allowing them to ask themselves: "Do I effectively use your time?".
If you look at it more philosophically, this question will be as follows: if we spend our minds on the really important things or sprayed on the "accidental" troubles?
Focuses on time, and not the result, we unconsciously try to avoid responsibility for something that does not use its vital energy by 100%.
Focusing on the result helps us to be more demanding of yourself and your time.
Thus, summing up the arguments Faisal Hawk, we can say that manage time, means to manage life, while It is important to prioritize and be able to say "No" tasks that are not the result, but only spend your time.