Digest Layfhakera: the best materials for the week
A Life / / December 19, 2019
The best articles of the week
Winter is approaching inexorably, and it's time to schedule a visit to the place where the sea and warm sand. Or take a trip over the Christmas mood. Guatemala, Malaysia, South Africa, Hungary, Switzerland - choose the direction of taste.
select tour🌴☀
- Where to go in December 10 seats, where you forget about the cold and boredom
Enough prokrastinirovat, stuck in social networks or meaningless games on your smartphone. Prokrastiniruyte usefully! With these applications you can learn foreign languages, learn about art, to raise erudition, and even musical instruments to master.
to educate ourselves🎓
- 10 applications that you can learn something new every day
Nikita Zhukov neurologist, author of Encyclopatia evidence-based medicine, has compiled a list of drugs whose effectiveness has not been confirmed. It pacifiers that you can sell at the pharmacy to advise friends and even doctors prescribe. Alas, they are capable of unless lighten your wallet, not the symptoms.
Read about the "fuflomitsinah"💊👎
- How not to spend money on medicines, pacifiers
Good news for those who like to bake cakes, go shopping, play nastolki or messing with the animals - all of these hobbies can bring you money. In fact virtually any hobby you can monetize, and we tell how to do it.
learn to earn💰✨
- 15 hobbies that can generate revenue
Movement - life and, more recently, scientists have seen how true this statement is. It turned out, the risk of premature death among sedentary individuals up to 500% higher than that of the active. Perhaps it is worth to take a subscription to a fitness room.
Doctors in shock ...😨
- A sedentary lifestyle is more dangerous than smoking, diabetes and heart disease
Surely you've heard that the battery deteriorates, if you put it on charge before it is depleted. So, this does not apply to modern devices. And applications, ostensibly to help use energy more economically does not work. So it goes.
Learn how all the same to charge a smartphone📱🔌
- How to stop worrying about the battery of your smartphone and start living
In the 90s, they not only kill people, but also very good sitcoms filmed. And now we are not only about the "Friends" - series about a family of dinosaurs, the pharmacy staff and students who have created kiberzhenschinu also can decorate November evening.
- 12 other than sitcoms from the 80s and 90s
Talk about Plastic cable ties. Support for smart phone, keychain or even a dog leash - are just a few of the options that the application is truly multi-functional object. A more ties can be repaired cabinet handle and even punctured bicycle tires. Wow!
learn life hacking😮
- 25 tough life hacking with plastic ties
tests of the week
Test your detective skills: look closely at the picture, which depicts a scene from a hike in the woods, and answer a few questions.
Take the test🔍
- How much do you observant?
Test for lovers of natural beauty. Can you learn to distinguish between Niagara Falls and the gorge Troll Language Coyote?
Take the test🗻
- What is this wonder of nature? Decide on a photo!
podcasts week
In the new issue of the podcast "Mom, I already know," chief editor Maria Verkhovtseva leading YouTube-channel Irina Rogava and manager Kirill Chechkenov say about the style - how to create an image that will be remembered, and can be stylish, if you want to not stand out appearance.
- Podcast Layfhakera "Mom, I already know" how to find your style
Sometimes you do things that we do not like - like a cold shower, the early runs and public speaking. In some ways, overcoming ourselves, we can become better and stronger.
- Podcast Layfhakera: 15 habits that will bring you out of your comfort zone
If talking to a man is not going well, you may have broken a few simple rules. Do not talk about ex, get rid of hints, not to admire other men in the presence of a partner - and voila, you have an ideal companion.
- Layfhakera podcast: what you can not talk to men
Golden Layfhakera Fund
Sometimes people tell us very hurtful things. And there are some appropriate ways to respond to it (there is no "punch in the face" is not included in them). Insult in return, to reduce everything to a joke, ignore or even bring the villain to justice - choose an approach that will help to resolve the conflict and not to lose dignity.
Contact brainstorming, bisotsiatsiya, Kipling method, technique six hats and much more unusual ways to examine the problem from all sides and find the best deal. And of course, these techniques will be useful in a creative crisis.
We will not dissemble - you do not become a billionaire thanks to the fact that the refuse business lunch or a bottle of wine on the weekends. However, you can save a very nice sum, which will be enough for a modest vacation, redecorate a room, or even out to open the business.
to start saving🤑
- How to change your life, if you save for 3000 rubles per month
Read Layfhaker and good week! 💜