C April 1 of this year, under the ruthless hand of censorship with the valiant "servants of the people" began to fall at the head of various portals and websites. In such conditions, you can expect anything. And as the famous saying goes: "Forewarned - is forearmed." And help us to the famous browser Tor.
There is no universal formula by which you can shoot a great movie in the Vine and Instagram. But there are simple tips to help you improve the quality of your video. So, what is the essence of those little tricks?
Us think a little. Suddenly, with you our arguments will help someone in the selection of the device, and may not be the same. So, let's get started. I'll tell you my story of how I climbed on the Mac OS.
Everyone familiar with the situation, which is located far from where you need to explain something to you man. And almost always easier to demonstrate than wasted rend the air. It is for these purposes LICEcap created a program that will help you out, and it is absolutely free!
If you want to use on your iPhone the background image on iOS 7 parallax effect, you need the image resolution of 1040 × 1526. We have found for you 20 superb wallpapers that will look great on iOS 7. Among them you will find the ones that will be to your taste.
LEDGE solves the problem of where to accommodate the tablet so it did not need to hold in their hands, but it was in plain sight, and they could continue to enjoy convenient. Offers studios RNDM Design solution differs from its competitors in that it is simple, reliable, and fit well with almost any decor.
Office for the registration of patents and trademarks issued US Apple patent titled "coordinated group musical experience."
Flickr updated its app for iOS, adding to new functions, which allow you to control how the photo will look like before you take the picture. Flickr on the next application update was announced on Thursday.