What is the personal capital and how to create
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Lavinia Lond
The mistress of the author's site about beauty and lifestyle Laviniablog.com and author of "The Style of the big city."
What is the personal capital
Time and attention - an extremely limited resources, so people every minute, consciously or not, choose from a variety of options. It is impossible to be friends with everyone, to love all, to pay all wages higher and shoot all in a Hollywood movie.
The calibration process is constantly talking: one person is given preference over another and in professional and romantic, and in social relations.
People evaluate one another on the scale of the total advantages that the English-speaking world is called identity capital.
Narabatyvaya personal capital, you increase its purchasing power and the ability to choose employers, romantic partners and friends.
What is included in the personal capital
1. Education
One of the most trivial items. Formal education - an objective criterion, which is easy to evaluate. All questionnaires in standard: incomplete secondary, secondary, tertiary, academic degree.
And when looking for work, and in social terms, it plays a big part of prestigious educational institutions. In many countries, the majority of the representatives of big business, politics, and even the art world are graduates of two or three schools. Therefore, it often makes sense to get a second degree or a master's degree by the best university possible, not so much to obtain new knowledge, but rather to the correct line in the summary.
2. Professional consistency
Too simple and objective sign. How far people moved into the selected area, as the region itself demanded in society and the economy, how hard it is to break into it.
Effort spent on building a career, always pay off. It is not necessary to save them.
3. financial soundness
This item should not be confused with professional success. High professionalism often, but not always entails a great income, but often money not earned and obtained from other sources, such as parents.
Whatever it was, material security adds a lot of points to the total personal capital, but not worth almost nothing apart from the rest.
The earlier a person starts earning itself and appreciate all the things that money can buy, the more degrees of freedom is in the future. But to start making is never too late. In the world of a lot of money, and why some of them you will not get it?
4. Knowledge and skills
Qualities that are not identical to training.
Bursaries much wider formal education, even humanitarian and even more technical. And this is not a set of isolated facts in your head, not a talking encyclopedia. It is organized and trained brain. What a man can be more attractive?
A skills - these are different pleasant skills: playing musical instruments, sports, especially social, such as tennis or football. All that can be helpful or pleasant surrounding, although any other skill will not be superfluous. All that forms a fully developed man.
And reading, and sport can become an integral part of life. It is only necessary to make both a habit.
5. Origin
This parent family. Rightly or wrongly, it is of great importance, especially in his youth, when his capital more scarce. But then, throughout life, strong, good, loving family - parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, aunts and uncles - it is of great value.
It may seem that it is the personal power: as anyone lucky. So, if absolutely all members of the family died. However, in a relationship with the living is not lost.
6. Social status and communication
This socio-economic status, as it is called in behavioral economics. A society where people walk in, where he had his, where it is estimated to be equal. They are friends, and their quantity and quality. it business and personal communication.
This includes marriage. Partner can both add and subtract points. And just his presence is important: couples tend to socialize with couples and a single woman is much harder to become his own in any company than a single man.
If a sober assessment of reality, there is little that is as important as social ties.
7. Reputation
An extremely important point in the social networking era. Your professional reputation is known to few colleagues, and your personal reputation in our time is known to everyone. Or may become known in two mouse clicks.
On the Internet there is no anonymity, nothing is forgotten and not removed.
Everything that has been laid out and written, it remains there forever and is very easy to be found by those who commit themselves to a task. This check - the first thing they do potential employers and future brides and grooms. And friends and neighbors, and enemies and rivals - all of whom you even a drop of wonder.
That's why you have to be so careful with social networks: they provide an unprecedented opportunity to quickly demonstrate their limitations, rudeness, ignorance, quarrelsomeness and other qualities, is not particularly valued by in society. And all it will stay there forever! You will die, and your thoughtless words and unnecessary revelation will live forever.
8. Appearance
Physical attractiveness, beauty - all that is typically tied for first place in personal relationships and in the last - in professional. In fact, it plays a lesser role in love than people think, and most everything else.
Ethnicity opens many doors and gives a significant head start in the beginning of any relationship, but it is much broader than just the physical beauty. This includes the ability and dress, and the general level of health and energy, and all that is called holonostyu.
Remember how your appearance affect the attitude towards you in all areas of life. Make out the best of the available versions.
Of all these characteristics, and it is the personal capital. And almost all of them in varying degrees attainable. And inaccessible can be compensated by the others. There is only one all-powerful limiter - time.
At what age is an investment in yourself the most effective
Not having received timely education, not to make a career, not forming friendships and social ties, not to start a family, to catch up with those who have it all done in a timely manner, it will be difficult.
Current popular ideology often has the opposite premise: "Youth is endless! The possibilities are endless! All are worthy of the very best! Late does not happen! "This is an optimistic creed very comforting. But too late and, moreover, inevitably will. And to get an education, and to build a career and start a family, and to give birth to a child at some point will be too late.
Undoubtedly, there are those who received education in 40 years and still had time to become an outstanding expert in your chosen field. There are women who have given birth to a child after 45 years, and there are over 50! Exceptions are always there, but to focus on them, perhaps, unwise.
Almost all the vital decisions in life are made up to 35 years. From his youth, skills, knowledge, skills, and connections are drawn and invested. After some time the capital is formed, which runs on its own.
Age up to 35 years - the most important. This is a window of opportunity that will never happen again, and we must use it as efficiently as possible.
When a critical mass of personal capital been set up it is time to major investments. Nietzsche said: "Each of our action continues to create ourselves." Management of its capital - a project of a lifetime. And if in his youth ROI quite material (certificates, resumes, the environment and property), the more output is becoming increasingly intangible. There is a feeling of mastery, virtuosity and competence. Dialed knowledge and skills to integrate and become part of the personality.
There is a feeling is not wasted time. Probably one of the most enjoyable experiences in the world.