When you need to change the furniture and textiles in the house
A Life / / December 19, 2019
We are accustomed to the fact that the furniture purchased for the ages and it can be passed from one generation to another, and then another, to drive to the country, where it will stand as long as the crumble with age. This habit is good, when it comes to things like antique oak chest of drawers or a coffee table that is dear to your heart, because got a gift from your grandmother. But if a piece of furniture does not involve any emotional stories, the first thing it must meet three criteria:
- be comfortable for you;
- look good in the interior;
- delight you with their views.
If any of these parameters are not worth thinking about buying new furniture.
On average, the sofa will last you 10-15 years old. Of course, come across outstanding specimens padding that looks great for 20 years and you get tired before the time comes to replace it. But this is the exception rather than the rule.
Do not lead your sofa to the point where guests will be uncomfortable to sit on it. And forget the strange robes and blankets, hiding stylish upholstery. It is better to plan in the next 10 years
purchase a new sofa.Mattress
Service life - the time during which the mattress provides you with adequate support and comfort.
For inflatable mattresses and water divide the concept of durability and service life. These mattresses are easily damaged, but it is easy enough to repair, and then their characteristics are maintained. That is, low strength, and service life is quite long.
Other types of mattresses can not be repaired or adjusted. Latex mattresses prominayutsya sleeping in form, and the resulting pattern can interfere with comfortable turns during sleep time.
Mattresses with memory, become softer over time, lose their elasticity and their basic property - taking body shape and return to the opposite position. Spring mattresses sag, can begin to creak.
If you do not wash your pillows and does not give them to the dry cleaners, then six months later, you can send them to the landfill. Pillows, followed closely monitored, will last up to three years. And remember that it is important to assess how comfortable you will sleep on this pillow. If you just can not get, and neck in the morning numb and sore, it's time to pick up a new copy of the right.
In this case, there are no strict deadlines replacement: someone buys clothes of thick fabric and uses it carefully, someone in a few months it appears frayed. But here's what's important: the bedroom and the bed should please you when you go to sleep and when to wake up in the morning. Because no pity part with underwear that is worn, not the right size, not like you because of the color or unpleasant to the touch. Your good mood more than offset material costs to buy a new set of.
Mat in the bathroom
Constant humidity and frequent washing pretty quickly wear out the carpet. To the bathroom was always clean and comfortable, replace the mat about once every two years. Perhaps a new mat in the bath - one of the most inexpensive ways to freshen the interior.
5 more reasons to buy new furniture
We are reminded of the major life events that should mark the purchase of new furniture to your apartment was always comfortable for you, despite the changes.
1. You have decided to work from home
If you for some reason have decided to work from home, be sure to Organize workspace. It is a myth that you can be productive while lying on the couch and comfortably put the notebook on your stomach, or at the kitchen table, looking simultaneously to dinner is not burnt.
You need an ergonomic workstation: table correct height, adjustable chair. On workplace will be easier to switch from household chores to work. We sat at the table - everything you're at work. And there is no laundry in the break!
2. You and your loved one have chosen to live together
It is always a joyful moment that is associated with the arrangement have a common nest. I would like to get rid of the old and bring something new in the interior, as well as to equip a removable apartment or property of one of the partners so that there was now a comfortable both.
And, of course, the first thing we recommend to attend to purchase good bed and replace her sofa, if it is already there. "Divan psychology", forcing young couples to buy a sofa, because you can get some sleep on it, and put guests, playing with many a cruel joke.
The sofa is not possible to sleep well, very tiring every day of his collapse, removing bedding. So is this nedokrovat dismantled in anticipation of the arrival of guests, which for some reason prefer to eventually sit on the kitchen chairs. Forget about the traditions of the country and take care of their health better sleep.
3. Are you waiting for a second child
In anticipation of a second baby often picks repairs in the nursery, or even throughout the apartment. Refashioned space to accommodate more than one active little man.
First and foremost, of course, it is necessary to organize another sleeper: replace one bed for two or one bunk to leave enough space for children to play.
4. The child goes to school
Another event that requires a serious reorganization of space. Now I need a work area with a desk and adjustable chair. Not strong for the child's body is very important the correct fit, then there will be less tired, and health problems. Well, if you pick a bright furniture, what makes student lessons will be much more fun.
5. To move your elderly parents
Everything in the world is cyclical. Sometimes elderly parents back to the children, we have to take care of them. Furniture from home often is in such shabby condition, it makes no sense to spend money and effort on its transportation to your apartment. Unless, of course, we are not talking about the rarity of the chest or very dear to things.
The cost of transportation and the operation of loaders can be comparable with the purchase of new furniture and new bathroom furniture items can not accommodate.
Tell us how you feel, when to change the furniture or buy new? How often do you update the interior, and do you like to do?