7 memorization skills that will make you smarter
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Learner - one of the most important skills a person associated with memory and memorizing process. To learn how to correctly remember the information, told in his book, "Remember everything" Peter Brown, Henry Rodiger and Mark McDaniel.
1. Remembering: We reach out memory
Good work cards for memorizing. They help to remove from the memory the information related to what is shown on the card.
This method is so effective because recollection strengthens neural pathways that correlate with a particular concept. Remembering also is the basis of tests. That is why the exams at school must not only be a way to assess students' knowledge, but also a learning tool.
2. Understanding: combine new ideas with old knowledge
"The better you can explain the connection of new data with what you already know, the better you learn new information, the easier it will be to remember it later" - the authors write books.
For example, if you are a physics lesson trying to understand what the heat transfer, try to relate this concept to life experiences. For example, you can remember how hot hand from the cup of hot coffee.
3. Interleaving: alternate different types task
It will be easier to study an object, if you switch from one subject to another.
"Interleaving different types of tasks and knowledge develops the ability to distinguish between them and allocate the total, that is between them. This will help you later in the exam or in the real world, when problems have to identify the genus, to choose for her the right decision ", - explained the authors.
4. Generation: we find the answer, without waiting for clues
You are much more likely to remember the answer, if it comes to it yourself than if you learn it from someone else.
When it comes to learning, try to find their own answers to their questions before they begin a lesson. If the work, try to come up with their own solutions to the problem before you consult with the head.
5. Reflection: we evaluate what happened
Take a few minutes out to assess how was meeting or the progress of the project. Can ask yourself a few questions such as: "Is everything went according to plan?", "What can be improved?".
Researchers from the Harvard Business School found that only 15 minutes spent at the end of working days in which to record their observations and comments to increase productivity 23%Making Experience Count: The Role of Reflection in Individual Learning..
6. Mnemonic techniques: use tricks to remember
We use these techniques when we remember something, using the abbreviations, rhymes or pictures. Mnemonics themselves - this is not a learning tool. They help create cognitive maps and diagrams, with which it is easier to remember learned.
7. Calibration: learn its weaknesses
"Calibration - is to use an objective tool to get rid of illusions and lead their own judgment in accordance with the reality," - write the authors.
This is an important point, because we all become victims of cognitive illusions. We are confident that we understand something, but really do not understand or do not understand until the end. To determine its weaknesses, pass the test, or ask a colleague to comment on your work.