How to prepare for the fall and not get depressed
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Autumn spleen refers to seasonal affective disorder, that is, until the present depression in strength slightly nedotyagivaet. But everything looks just as convincing: it is impossible to pull yourself out of bed, no matter how much slept through, even ordinary things are transformed into deed and any productive thought necessary to produce a powerful mental effort. Focus on the work just unreal, like a village inside the battery.
World Health OrganizationDepression - a widespread mental disorder characterized by sadness, loss of interest, inability to rejoice and enjoy, feelings of guilt or low self-esteem, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite, fatigue and poor concentration.
However, the seasonal disorders, there are advantages: it can be cured independently, Without the use of antidepressants and lengthy consultation at the psychotherapist.
World Health OrganizationLayman can successfully diagnose and treat depression in the provision of primary health care. Specialized treatment may require a small proportion of people with complicated by depression.
Something you can do without having to wait in a bad mood will cover you with his head. Prevention - the best cure, and start standing today.
pass medical examinations
Some chronic diseases, which are exacerbated in the autumn, for various reasons, can trigger depression. It's not just about cardiovascular diseases, which often come with melancholy and depression. Perhaps your body is in grief not because of the rain and falling leaves, and a longing for something more banal caused by infection or allergy. Then antibiotics and physiotherapy to help more than antidepressants and yoga.
Tie to work at night
Summer warm nights go, let him go with them work late and vigils on projects. Night work lowers serotonin levels and involves psychological isolation that exacerbates self-pity. In the autumn needs a different mode, a more healthy and calm.
Buy a new lamp
Trying to understand why we get so melancholy in autumn, doctors and scientists came to the conclusionThat all the fault of the short daylight hours. Exactly how sunlight affects the amount of serotonin (the hormone that is responsible for the joy and happiness), it is not yet clear. But influences - that's for sure. Because light therapy works and gives good results in seasonal disorders. In addition, exposure to bright light regulates the production of hormones responsible for circadian rhythms and sleep quality, and reduces the level of cortisol.
The norm for the treatment of autumn melancholy - 45 minutes a day in front of a fluorescent light, which corresponds to the force with which the summer sun shines in the morning. Do not measure the value, just do not sit in the dark and save electricity by other means.
Buy a subscription to the solarium
Solarium will help when the new lamp on the table is not enough. Do not overdo it, you'll go to the solarium is not so much of a tan as the heat dose and sunlight.
Plan a vacation in November
Take a vacation for a few weeks and To fly closer to the equator, where the sun distribute. Why do it is already obvious. If you get to the equator is not possible, then go on holiday in St Petersburg. Paradoxically, in a city where there is always rain, the best in the country conditions of Mental Disorders. Indigenous people will teach you how to enjoy life in any weather.
revise diet
In the summer and early autumn is easy to be a vegetarian and eat everything that grew. Do not overdo it with vegetables. Although useful, vegetarians more prone to depression and OCD, as shown by research company Roy Morgan Research. During the transition season, scientists recommend to add to the diet more protein, even if the plant.
Find a good restaurant with sushi delivery
The sky in the clouds, do not pull cook, I want someone to come and fed? Courier delivery sushi will kill two birds at once. You're a little play up to their laziness and relax, and the fish will fight depression. In the Netherlands, scientists established link between the consumption of fatty acids and adjustable levels of stress hormones. If at least once a week to eat oily fish, life will become happier.
Stock up on herbs
When there is a longing to roll, brew yourself tea with melissa or peppermint to relax a little. To reduce anxiety, it is possible to drink decoctions of valerian, hops, extracts of hawthorn and motherwort. Just be sure to take into account that these plants reduce the pressure.
Copes well with depression decoction of St. John's wort, but it is most contraindications: do not often during the reception happen to the sun, can not be taken for hypertension and during pregnancy, and a dose excess causes problems intestine.
Buy multiple computer games
Stop the choice on the games in which the reaction speed is important and accuracy. Such entertainment helped patients who participated in the study Cornell University, who did not respond to antidepressant drugs. In general, if the output does not pull to go with friends to have fun, sit down at a monitor and download the Persians, but not more than four hours a day (before the onset of the therapeutic effect is not rolling in addiction).
Start drinking coffee
As it turned out Harvard, if you use up to three cups of coffee per day, the risk of developing depression to decline by 15-20 percent. And mope in an embrace with a great cup of coffee is much nicer than without it.
Sign up for sessions of acupuncture
It would be desirable to treat a bad mood than some sort, but it is unknown what exactly? Try instead have bothered yoga acupuncture. The course of procedures in conjunction with the drug helps patients with clinically depressionSo that the light blues can count on a serious improvement in mood and without antidepressants.