12 skills that are not taught in school
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Asking questions
Permanent "why", "why" and "how" - the natural state of children. They understand that everything in this world happens for a reason, there is a cause and effect. As they get older, this trait that brings to mind parents when their child of four years, disappears somewhere.
If a child He knows that his own question he will get any excuse or a rough answer, and sometimes a bad grade because "bad listening," then he stops to ask. And this is bad. To gain new knowledge, you need to ask questions. And the right questions can sometimes be half the answer.
Teach your children not to be afraid to ask questions. They have every right to do. And we must not forget that to help find the answers - the work is not only teachers, but also yours.
2. Ability to solve problems
A man who knows how to break complex tasks into simple and then solve them, can perform almost any job.
Do not rush to the aid of the first cry baby. Of course, it is much easier and faster to solve the problem for him to continue to go about their business, than to sit and explain each action. But since the child will get used to that any problem will be for him to decide either parents or someone else. And age is not passed.
3. The ability to complete commenced
Any action that you do, may be a small project. Drawing up the report, the development of TK, illustrations training - all these things that you need not only to begin but also to finish.
Explain to your child that if it is for something to come from, he should finish it. Let him watch your work. Over time, the child will begin to create their own projects.
4. life business search
If you ask the students graduating classes, what they want to do, you will get very sad answers. Most goes to study, because it was told and decided to parents. Very rarely teenager realizes that he really like, rather than what it is now fashionable, prestigious and profitable.
Education imposed by their parents, or do not care how, just to higher education, usually wasted with the money invested in it and time.
If your child likes to do something, it is not prestigious any activity can turn into a really worthwhile. Not to mention the feeling of fulfillment and harmony with each other and the outside world.
5. Compassion
If you do not teach a child compassion, then grow egoist, cruel and completely fixated on itself. Such a person will not be able to build a family, or find friends. Nobody wants to help him.
It is very important to give the child an understanding that sometimes give gifts much more pleasant than to receive. And if you help others unselfishly, we can get back so much more.
Without an understanding of what we become happier, making others happy, a person can not live a full life.
mother TeresaWe ourselves feel that everything that we do - it's a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less without that drop.
6. Tolerance
We are all different, each has its own priorities and values. You do not understand the other person, if you can not see the world through his eyes.
Your child will not be able to interact normally with people, if a person of another race, sexual orientation, religion, social status, he will fall into a stupor. He can not find a common language around the world and will suffer from complexes and reserved man with silly prejudices.
It is necessary to make it clear to your child that to be different - this is normal. To communicate, we must learn to understand each other.
7. The ability to enjoy the solitude
From birth, the child is surrounded by care and attention of parents. When mom and dad are not around, he begins to feel sad and bored. The child does not understand how to be happy by himself. For fun he's always looking for company - friends and family. If the child does not find it, you can become addicted to other things, which do not allow to get bored and feel lonely (shopping, food addiction, Internet addiction).
The child must learn to be alone with yourself, to play, to find interesting activities to reflect and thus to feel happy.
At least occasionally arrange the evening, when the child is left to himself. So everyone in the family will have more personal time.
8. Independence
If you are independent, you can make decisions based solely on their thoughts and reasons. No one can tell you what to do, or prohibit something. You can figure it out for yourself and choose the right solution.
Allow the child to insist on his own, to make their own decisions and learn from their error. Only a free man can be happy.
9. Ability to adapt to change
The world has never been static. Now, changes are taking place very quickly. Ability to adapt to them, to see at least one step forward can be a key skill.
When choosing education, can not be 100% sure that your profession will not appear outdated by the time of graduation. You must be able to be flexible, keep an eye on, do not be afraid of changes and be ready for them. And yet it is important to learn to read a lot and do not be afraid to start something new at any age.
10. The ability to find the right information and filter it
At school, many problems with this. But the main highlight among the huge flow of information - a very important skill.
11. An objective assessment of knowledge
You also need to be able to evaluate the acquired knowledge. You have to teach your child to ask the right questions and look for answers, even if they are already known.
12. Getting rid of the herd instinct
At a certain age the child has a natural desire to be like someone else. But over time it grows, and it passes. But, unfortunately, not at all. To do something just because everyone else is doing, it is very foolish.
Awful constantly look for someone else. So you do not live your life and collective life. Yes, certain social norms must be observed, but fully adjust their lives to the rhythm of the crowd stupid.