Reflective vests: who and when they should be worn
A Life / / December 19, 2019
To learn how the new rule concerning reflective jackets where to buy them, and if they can save your life.
What kind of innovation?
On March 18, 2018 drivers are required to wear a jacket, vest or cape with reflective stripes to exit out of the car at night or in poor visibility conditions, if they are outside of the settlement.
This article 2.3.4 of traffic rules. She was introduced by the Russian GovernmentGovernment Decree № 1524 of December 12, 2017..
Why the government is concerned?
By introducing new rules prompted the Interior Ministry statistics.
During the first half of 2017 were reported by 10.2% less accidents with pedestrians at night than during the same period in 2016. But the number of accidents with drivers who walked out of the car onto the shoulder, grew by 4.8%.
The Interior Ministry explained by the fact that pedestrians rule on reflective garments already in force, and it was not for drivers.
What is the penalty for lack of a vest?
Administrative responsibility for violation of Article 2.3.4 of traffic rules has not yet introduced. In the list of compulsory subjects, without which it is impossible to operate the car, a reflective vest does not appear.
Traffic police officer until he could only recall the norm and recommend to purchase the vest.
Where to take a reflective vest?
Reflective jacket, vest or cape must meet the requirements of GOST 12.4.281-2014 Occupational safety standards system. Wear a special high visibility. Technical requirements..
The valid options vest with fluorescent inserts.
Reflective vests are sold in the automotive, building and hardware stores. They are mostly green color. Less common are orange. Price - from 150 to 800 rubles. Jackets more expensive - a few thousand.
Keep a vest is best not in the trunk and inside the car. After all, until you go to the trunk without a vest, to get it, already break the rules.
Vest really save my life?
This issue is addressed Layfhaker experts.
Vladislav Porvatkin
Law firm "bunker, Porvatkin and partners"
The introduction of the obligation of drivers to wear reflective clothing should reduce the number of accidents.
In many European countries, this is true for a long time. Have vest in the car and wear it when entering the roadway must be in Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Croatia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Norway, Germany and Poland. Penalties for failure to use is different. For example, in Portugal - 600 euros, Belgium - 1375 euros.
Most people in this country wear clothing of dark shades. They are even in hard to see, and say nothing about the road outside the towns and villages, where the lighting is not seen. In a reflective vest when a person can see the headlights of the 600 meters, whereas in the conventional light-colored clothing just 30, a maximum of 100 meters.
Vitaly Kuzmin
Chairman of the Moscow Bar Association "Vitaly Kuzmin and partners"
Measure, of course, correct. In most Western countries, this rate is valid for a long time.
In the pitch darkness hard to see the driver. It is very important for truckers and those who often travels on the highway. If the car broke down and it is impossible even to include emergency stop signal, it also becomes a potential object collision.
Drivers also that never leave the limits of the municipality, not to worry - they do not need a vest.
And what do you think about the new rules you? Reduce reflective vests if the number of accidents?
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