5 reasons to stop believing in the myth of the true purpose
A Life / / December 19, 2019
"Find a deal for the soul - and you do not have a single day to work." Heard something like that? The idea, agree, attractive: it is enough to find out what this thing is, - and all life is good. However, in reality the idea of destiny often leads us to harmony and success, and to the disappointment. And that's why.
1. We are not ready to difficulties
Enough to understand, what is your purpose, and begin to follow it. And then all by itself will develop best: find the money and the right people, will power, time and other resources. The universe itself will lead you in the right direction. No, some effort, of course, will have to make.
But it will be fun and joyful. And behind the scenes is sure to be music to sound cheerful, like in the movies... One who thinks so, waiting for a lot of unpleasant surprises. After all destiny - it's not just about the dream, but also about business.
Zuckerberg just will not call, customers do not line up, no one rasstelet carpet and did not offer a contract to a six-figure sum.
At least once. First, we have many years of study and work for a long time, sometimes even without payment, without any achievements and without positive feedback. It is an ordeal, and to cope with them can only those who from the beginning attuned to the potential problem.
Such an active and pragmatic approach is calledDr. Dweck's research into growth mindset changed education forever installation on development. And he, in contrast to the inefficient setup on the job - the belief that everything is predetermined, helps to cope with difficulties and do not lose motivation in difficult times.
2. Myth pushes us to folly
Cinema and literature pseudopsychological taught us that the call - it's mostly about work, sport or long journeys. Nobody makes films about how the artist has thrown everything and realized that his mission - to be a clerk. But the opposite examples - more than enough.
Therefore, those who are at the first difficulty it seems that their work taken too boring, not enough creative and adventurous struggling to seek himself, his happiness and his business life.
Search by continuing to work in the office and live in the same place, of course, interesting. It is well known to all: to set off in search of yourself, you need at least resign from hateful work, and better - to leave for many months journey to Italy, India and Indonesia. Sometimes, so you can really find an interesting exercise, make new friends and valuable experience.
But it also happens that seekers simply wasting time and money and sit on the neck of relatives.
No one calls you to remain on the unloved job, abandon travel, introspection and experimentation. Passion for their work will enable them to engage with much more pleasure and efficiency. But it is not associated with the mythical vocation, it is simply a lively interest, a passion for a certain area.
And this passion often comes as an appetite at meal time. That is when you have already begun to engage in some business. The researchers interviewed"I Put in Effort, Therefore I Am Passionate": Investigating the Path from Effort to Passion in Entrepreneurship entrepreneurs, and they said that the more money, time and effort they put into the project, the more he draws. And vice versa.
3. We think that nothing can be changed
Sometimes what we consider interesting and attractive, we do not fit the reality. And yet it happens that an occupation that seemed calling and business dreamEventually ceases to bring satisfaction. First, his eyes burned, but it took several years - and there are new interests and new circumstances.
It is believed that the purpose - one for life, that it can not change.
But this approach is very limited: because of it, we think that we are obliged to follow the decision, which took a long time ago. And in the end missing interesting opportunities and projects - simply because they do not meet vocation.
However, you may have the ability in several areas - such people are called multipotentsialami, or scanners. This means that you can develop in different ways - either simultaneously or alternately, did not dwell on the idea of destiny.
4. Quest prevent us deal with the case
The search for work far more exciting. You can enthusiastically read books and articles, attend lectures and workshops, plan, head in the clouds. It is easier than to learn, earn, to overcome difficulties - but there is a risk and to stay at the search stage. Sometimes this condition is called syndrome rocking chairs - because of him we are preparing endlessly, but nothing doing.
But for a comfortable and rich understanding of their purpose of life, strictly speaking, not necessary at all.
A group of psychologists at the University of South Florida, interviewing hundreds of people cameA comparison of individuals with unanswered callings to those with no calling at all to the conclusion that the participants, who work without regard to the idea of the reality of life, feel no worse than those who are, as they seem to have found it. But the respondents who believe that the vocation they have, but they do not follow him, more often suffer from stress, depression and dissatisfaction.
5. We allow ourselves to make
On the idea of predestination actively enriched by some bloggers, experts and consultants. If you are at least a little dig in social networks and search engines, you will find more than a dozen different courses, marathons, workshops and programs, which in one form or another offering to reveal your true vocation. Most of all - not free.
The main problem is that they are based on false premises: it is always predetermined and life. And therefore, their use is highly questionable. The best approach is not to listen to self-proclaimed guruBut to themselves, their interests and abilities. But do not forget that the work to which is the soul, will not necessarily be easy and joyful. And to overcome obstacles and build new routes - this is a real adventure. And it is more interesting than any myths.
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