How to get rid of jealousy and fear of loss?
A Life Inspiration / / December 19, 2019
We buy the pictures and take photographs, to never look at them, jealous of their lovers and friends, because they are ours. Even reading the book, copy your favorite phrases, but do not return to them.
We are constantly afraid to lose something: property, friends and memories. Trying to capture, assign and leave, we fail to feel the depth and evaluate anything. But is it possible otherwise? You can only have to change the setting.
Modern society teaches us to consume and to have as much as possible. This attitude is projected not only to things, most of which we do not need, but also to the intangible sphere. The habit of eating habit. If you have learned to pick myself up everything in your chest will be dusty emotions, memories, thoughts, and relationships.
In the book "To have or to be" Erich Fromm, German philosopher and sociologist of XX century, in detail understands this problem of modern society, which is in the pursuit of ownership has forgotten what it means to live.
Becomes a habit, the thirst for possession gets into all areas of life and the fear of losing their poisons.
But there is the other extreme: a person does not try to assign. The differences between them are enormous.Training
Beliefs, in which the main thing - to capture and assign everything yourself, visible even in training. Student-oriented possession, will be carefully outlining everything the lecturer said, without going into it is not interested. Then he would cram his notes to take the exam, and do not even ponder why it is necessary.
The student, who often live in the present, will not outline the fact that he does not need, but will actively participate in the discussions and try to understand the material, which he is interested.
How many people are working on unloved work? Subject painful and zatortaya. Everyone knows that the work should be like, but no one particularly cares about it, would be money.
The man focused on the acquisition, does not think of the present moment. He can miss a lifetime on the terrible work spoil your nerves and keep buying what supposed to have.
In addition, people who want to possess, rarely change their place of employment and do not try yourself in another field. The man is afraid of losing position, money and comfort, because it begins to personify ourselves with them. "Who am I without your home and office?" - he thinks, and fear brakes change for the better.
A man who lives in the present, will not be able to work for the unloved work. NOW it is bad. And it does not matter how beautiful furniture and status of things he can buy at the end of the month. Such people are taken just for the fact that they were passionate. Not too difficult to find such a thing, if you ask for.
Going on vacation, take everything with a camera or camera phone. It does not matter, where will ride in the nearby woods, on a popular resort or to the palaces of Mesoamerica. In concert, the crowd rises above the head smartphones, to remove what is happening on stage.
You can come to the sea and make a thousand pictures of sunset, but through the lens of the camera, you will not see its real beauty. You will have some great pictures to Instagram, but not a living admiration. This is best seen in historic places, when an enthusiastic crowd of tourists wandering between places with glued-to-face camera.
A really deep emotions we have when focusing on an object (music and performance style favorite band) or in its entirety perceive the sunset over the sea, a colorful exotic show something else beautiful. If distracted by shooting or look into the lens, the moment will be lost.
Then show photos and videos to friends, but you do not for the sake of looking for new experiences.
Communication and relationships
What jealousy? It is the fear of losing the person that is only possible if it is yours. How many dramas happening just because people find each other things that might belong to someone. Anyone who lives in the moment, respects the other person enjoys it and asks for nothing.
Assigning someone, you begin to change it, alter for your convenience.
People were created to be loved. Things were created, they were used to. But our world is enveloped in chaos... Because things like, and people are using. The Dalai Lama
Do you often go with those with whom communication has exhausted itself? Many live together for years, experiencing pain and suffering, but at the same time they can not go away, because belong together.
It turns out that you simply use a person, what kind of love would be at this time may be said. But things get bored, and with such an attitude in front of you waiting for a lot more drama.
What to do to "be"?
Perceptions will not change in a day, but there is one idea that can help: all men are mortal, and, like Bulgakov wrote, suddenly mortal.
If you just imagine that a period of your life is limited to two weeks or a month, what would you do? Would go to his work; We spoke to the people with whom you contact are now; would buy the things you dream about today?
After all, live without the pursuit of any property in the area - which means to dive deep into every moment, be present, not the future that may never come.
see also🧐
- How to overcome the fear of changing jobs
- The mechanism of fear: how to wean the brain to be afraid
- What love is and what it can be: psychologists view