The best advice in 2016 on how to regain a full life
A Life / / December 19, 2019
If you feel that you have reached an impasse, and life instead of joy brings only problems and disappointments, it is time to immediately do something about it. Layfhaker and keshbek Service Kopikot We gathered the best advice in 2016 that will help to re-learn to enjoy each passing minute.
Do not be afraid of change
The coming year - the perfect time to get better. We have a detailed plan of action for everyone who wants to change, but do not know where to start. No promises that it will be easy, but in the 12 months you converts externally, bring order to the head and understand what do you want from life.
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changes gradually
Stop promising yourself that will begin a new life right from 1 January. This problem is too big, to deal with it in one go. Select a different tactic and start small - tiny obzavedites habits that will inevitably launch a chain of changes.
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Remember that the work - this is not the whole of life
Ostochertet maybe even that job from which you were initially excited. We figured out what could be the root of the problem, and told how to deal with professional burnout. Bonus - Tips to save energy when it is absolutely zero.
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rest well
If you sleep 8 hours but still do not get enough sleep, then something is wrong. Try to start to change the ritual of preparing for bed. With this approach ezheutrennee desire to kill everyone you see, certainly you will leave.
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Do not try to be a good all around
If people you do not care, you do not have to help them. They just do not deserve.
I foresee a general indignation: how can you deny a person who asks for help? Easily, if the request for support is hiding desire banal use you. Helps only those who really need it.
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Get rid of relationships that drag you to the bottom
One may comfort himself with thoughts about the bird in the hand, but the fact remains: if the relationship is not satisfied, it is useless to try to revive them. Sometimes it really is better to be alone than to spoil the life and myself and partner.
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Take a look at a new way to love
Just - so good. Difficult - so bad. It is an axiom. No need to prove it.
Infatuation blinds. We are losing the head, create all sorts of garbage, as well as pink shroud with eye drops, surprised that managed to bloat. Quite a walk on a rake. It is time to radically revise the approach to relations. So life will be much easier and more enjoyable.
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Review your expenses
Attempts to reach from paycheck to paycheck, of course, help to stay in good shape, but it is better to do away with this practice. Do not rush to find a new job or part time. Try to spend earned money wisely and not throw money left and right.
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Stop to save every slag
Things, things, round things, too many things. We buy them in order to make life better, once again we see that this approach does not work, and then mourn ignominiously money spent. In fact, for the full life of a person does not need as much as you might think.
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Bring yourself into shape
You can not change for the better the world - change yourself. Forget about excuses. To find the perfect shape is not as difficult as it seems. Layfhaker prepared for you a 30-day program that will help lose weight without supernatural forces.
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