10 appearances at TED, so half an hour to laugh heartily
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Spam is also fun
Once James WITCH (James Witch), British comedian, director and producer, saw its typical mail spam. By some miracle, scam-letter leaked through the filter, which means only one thing - a sign of destiny, to be answered. Yes, a young man came from a spammer in correspondence and not lost. His companion was a very interesting character, and messaging has become a very interesting story. Statement by James just devoted to such an unusual experience.
Why blogging destroy us
About the dangers of global warming we have all heard. And by the way, local warming is not much of a threat to life on Earth. The fact that a local warming and how it is related to blogging, says Yossi Vardi (Yossi Vardi), an Israeli start-up investor, Doctor of Technical Sciences. It is noteworthy that the story accompanies Yossi expressive PHOTOS which only reinforces the degree of humor.
How to talk with your child about reproduction
One day, a child catches you by surprise, and wants to know where do babies come from. The reason may be a conventional biology lesson, where scholars talk about frogs lay their eggs, females. That's what happened with Julia Sweeney (Julia Sweeney), American comedian, actress, director. We must pay tribute to my mother, she tried her best, but perseverance and curiosity daughter won and the situation has gone too far. Present and future parents should look to the right to talk in a sticky situation - decisively, sensitively, honestly and with a sense of humor.
Wacky antics in public - it's cool
Charlie Todd (Charlie Todd) - founder of the movement "Improvise everywhere", whose members organize fun activities for the public. These good pranks bring joy and pleasure to not only actors, but also accidental witnesses. People are smiling, laughing, and, most importantly, a new look at the world around us. So, Charlie tells about the origins of the movement and the audience shows the first scenes. After watching the performance and want to look at YouTube-channel "improvise everywhere"For an additional portion of the positive.
How to make Google tell you a big secret
In the Google work noble trolls with excellent sense of humor. A case in point is an episode from the life of Randall Munroe (Randall Munroe), American artist and programmer, author of xkcd comics. By chance Randall got into an unequal battle with the good corporation. Google has paid attention to the brave and give him his due.
This robot can tell better than you
In a good stand-up can not do without charisma and attention to the public. The person on the scene should compel attention and feel the mood of his listeners. Wait, why only a man? Take, for example, the robot Data, which is not bad in the role of a comedian from it is impossible to look away, and it changes the set of jokes, based on the reaction of people. See how it looks, it is possible in the presentation of Heather Knight (Heather Knight), one of stendapera robot developers.
How many times are kissing in the East
It may seem that the people of the Middle East - it's strange, sullen people living in their own closed world. Maz Dzhobrani (Maz Jobrani), American comedian Iranian origin, dispel such myths. In fact, the Eastern people love to laugh, too, suffer from the "come in large numbers" and wonder customs of their neighbors. In general, all as in the West.
How to protect your marriage from trouble
Many well-known Hollywood actress divorced after receiving the "Oscar" for best actress. It is unlikely that knowledge of this fact will save your own marriage, so do not hammer him his head. Better wind on a mustache other tips American writer Jenna McCarthy (Jenna McCarthy), which will help to hold in a happy marriage for many, many years.
Case, the monkey hour
Monkey burns time Sinister playground. Expel it from there can only Panic Monster. And then Rational little man finished his business. Sounds crazy! However, if you looks into the words of a popular blogger Tim Urban (Tim Urban), you can get rid of procrastination - the same monkey that fun and carefree lives in your head.
How to get the Ig Nobel prize
Did you know that each year on 5 June, Rotterdam celebrating the Day of the dead duck? About the origins of this unusual holiday Moliker says Kees (Kees Moeliker), ornithologist, winner Ig Nobel Prize for a description of homosexual necrophilia in ducks. No, it's not a joke, but the performance itself is replete with them.