Why am I always late
Motivation A Life / / December 19, 2019
"A fine thing - I think. - Wow header! It turns out that there is some strange pattern between the habit does not keep pace and the positive perception of the world? "
I began to read, from which it became clear that people are prone to being late almost the best people in the world. They are full of optimism and confidence in the future.
Those who are regularly late, distinguishes healthy optimism. They are convinced that in a short time can have time to do more than the people around them, and multitasking - a sure path to prosperity. In other words, to be late - absolutely happy people. They think big.
Those who have a habit of late do not burn the nerve cells to waste, to destroy the small things. They are trying to create a complete picture of what is happening, where the future seems to them cloudless and full of endless possibilities. Latecomers just come and take what they owed.
People with a tendency to be late everywhere can, for example, to stop to smell the flowers. This is because it is impossible to plan every step and breath. Depending on the schedule and the schedule shows that we have almost forgotten how to enjoy simple things.
By the end of reading I have been bursting with pride. I am one of the number of underachieving Great!
Yes, it is, of course, great, but what's the catch? What could ever be worse than being late? Perhaps the habit of late - my worst quality. And it's not because I smell the roses on every corner. And the ability to see in all the endless opportunities - this is not about me, no.
I'm late because it is not wise.
I thought about it for a minute or so, and seems to have understood the main thing. The fact that there are two types of delays:
- acceptable delay. This is when the fact of the delay of a person is not able to cause any negative effects. For example, if you are late to the party or friendly gatherings at the bar Friday night, it is unlikely to stop you but everyone else have fun.
- unacceptable delay. Here everything is very simple: the fact that you, or someone else's lateness clearly disrupts other participants in the plans. A business dinner or a meeting of two of the partners simply can not start in the absence of one of them.
The article that I read, speak mostly about the first, acceptable, type of delay. In this case, only positive individual personalities does not cause me doubt principle.
However, if you are not too lazy to read the article to the end, like I did, you will find a lot of negative comments from users who so cheerful description of the vicious habits of the soul, alas, I had to. Can you imagine what they think about the second, ill, type of relationship with time.
This was the reason to postpone work on my other article for the next nine hours. I simply could not leave this topic.
If we talk about personalities, regular and unacceptable delay which continually disrupt the plans of others, I propose to divide them into two groups:
- Those who do not care. Conditionally call them "chudil".
- Those who are prone to frustration and reproaches himself for his own irresponsibility.
So, the first subgroup - "chudil". Typical of its representatives for some unknown reason, others see themselves as individuals very, very exceptional. Narcissistic and unpleasant types more of them have nothing to say.
Those for whom punctuality - not an empty phrase, without hesitation will assign a time frame for the subgroup of offenders in number one. Why? The answer is simple: they tend to think that the responsibility for their actions and have all this even children know.
Sane man always behaves in accordance with his idea of normal behavior. Something that goes beyond understanding - is unacceptable, and that the whole conversation. Punctual people convinced: arrive on time - this is perfectly normal and late - no. Since everyone knows, the one who is late all the time, obviously "gink".
However, this concept leads to a false understanding of the nature of the second subgroup. People belonging to it, as we know, live in constant fear make anyone wait. In this late, late and late. Let's call them "opozdantsami".
He would miss the premiere of the film, she missed the train and did not live up to expectations. As a rule, it does more harm to himself than to those who are close by.If "gink" malicious violator of the production mode, usually infuriates everyone around the "opozdantsa" features the ability to attract all sorts of failures.
All my family - the famous "opozdantsy". A good part of his early years took place in anticipation of my mother. After class, classmates happily ran to meet her parents, and I stood on the sidelines and waited patiently when the mother comes for me. She was always late. And when he finally came, then all the way home we tensely silent, each in their thoughts. Probably, it was terrible shame. Yes, she has a problem with that.
And yet once my sister was late to the airport, so she had to change a ticket for flights departing the next morning. Too late and at him, she decided to fly in that whatever the cost, and bought another ticket. Departure was only five hours. To kill time, a sister phoned a friend. The news was much conversation was substantive. A plane flew again without it. As you can see, the problem was not just my mother.
I was "opozdantsem" most of his life. I was angry friends, I repeatedly found himself in awkward situations at work and became a real pacemaker regularly worn by the terminal in search of the gate. Most of these sad stories about being late is quite typical and consist of approximately the following scenario:
An appointment may be at work. For example, at three o'clock in some cozy coffee shop. I think the day will pass perfectly. I marry early, arrive for a meeting in advance, about 15 minutes before it started. Calmly gather my thoughts, but this is just what you need for a perfect meeting. Slowly I will go to the subway, walk, Poglazov on elegant shop windows, listen to incessant noise of a big city, sipping lemonade, - beauty, in short!
The main thing - to get out of the subway for 15 minutes before the meeting, ie at 14:45. So, at 14:25, I should already be on the way, once in the subway car about 14:15. To what happened, I need to get out of the house not later than 14:07.
Miracle, not a plan, right? However, the reality is usually different.
"Opozdantsy" - strange people. I think every one of them is mad in some special way. But the cause of their mysterious mental disorder lies somewhere very far away, get to the bottom can help except that black magic and ancient rites. As for me, so all the "opozdantsy" fit one of the following descriptions of ...
1. I'm late, as I live outside the course of time, chase that simply do not see the point. "Opozdantsy" tend to overestimate their strength in the solution of certain problems, making unreasonably positive forecasts. And that's why this is happening: of all that "opozdantsu" had to make the line of duty, he the most memorable one-day business, not requiring it to special skills of planning and accounting time. For this reason, in the mind of such a person and there is a feeling of serenity imaginary. For example, I do not think that the collection of items in a week-long business trip can take 20 minutes. In my opinion, this process takes a maximum of five minutes, during which time you pick a travel bag, puts it in the right clothes, underwear, a toothbrush. All you can go. Of course, you can count the crows, thinking about the imperfection of the world, and really going for 20 minutes. But they take fees from you in minutes, not even argue about here.
2. I'm late, because I have an inexplicable feeling of fear because of the coming changes. I honestly do not believe that it is in recess, or their approach. But, I confess, in my heart I really against the idea that at some point I'll have to postpone the works, which have long been planned, and to do something fundamentally different. And the problem is not that the one I like challenges, and others not so. Just the essence of it is contrary to common sense. Plus the fact that when I finally take my business, then give him completely, leaving the office among the latter - a worthy act of the labor hero.
And finally ...
3. I'm late because a dissatisfied. Hard to believe, but it has its own logic: the lower the person's identification and productivity in a given day, the more likely that he would be late. Suppose I am highly satisfied with today's success at work during the day as a whole. In those moments you feel held a man, a master of his life. But, alas, the days when the most "interesting" remains "for later", happen more often. And at a time when it seems that all is lost, the brain refuses to put up with his own incompetence. In a fit of self-flagellation, I was capable of a lot, the smaller of which - to deal with the plans for the day. Even at night.
So that's why I was always late - my life is not enough common sense. Do not look for excuses "opozdantsam" overshadowing his own life - they know they are wrong and must change something. They, not you. After all, they have a problem with that.