7 common habits unhappy people
A Life / / December 19, 2019
We talk a lot about happiness, about how to achieve this state and stay there longer. In the end, how to be happy always and not to lose it for a second.
Happiness is very elusive concept: all are aware of it, sometimes feel, but is just a few moments, and you're not sure whether happy. Or was happy, but compared to what?
So what are the common to all the way to feeling miserable? Henrik Edberg, author The Positivity BlogUntil the counted 7 basic.
The pursuit of excellence
Everything is always difficult if you - perfectionist. Such a person is very difficult to achieve a state of happiness, because even a way to achieve must be perfect. There is always someone who understood perfectionist still in something better - a house, apartment, career, family, hair, after all. Moments of happiness for such a person is very fleeting and rare - only when he felt fulfilled something perfect, and so far, until I saw that someone made it even better.
Communication with people who are always dissatisfied with something
The man - a social being. We can not completely deny other people and live as hermits, and anyone not listening to anything. Those with whom we associate, have to have quite a big impact.
How can I be happy when people around you are constantly told that life - a terrible thing, and most of the unjust and cruel?
It's one thing when they say such things in the case (the situation in the country, the crisis, etc.), but quite another when such thoughts and opinions are predominant and touch absolutely everything. interlocutors such better to avoid and eliminate the noise information from its field. If this is your inner voice, then you have to seriously work on them.
Constant thoughts about the past and future
The rule of "here and now" everyone knows. By focusing on the thoughts of the future or the past, we lose the sense of the moment, which occurs in the most important time in time "now". We almost always get hung up on something negative, and much less we remember pleasant moments. Usually it is thought about why we have it do not work out why we were refused, why we have not done well, and that all was right at that moment.
Old grievances, failure - all these tasty bites a piece from our sense of happiness "here and now".
How can I be happy, remembering and analyzing failures? Everything has its time - to mourn, analyze, draw conclusions and move forward!
Compare yourself and your life with others
The other is always something better, even if the other aspects of life could be much worse than you. Generally, the constant comparison of herself with someone - not a good habit. And the more often you are better, the harder they will be, if someone is better than you will. Often, people in general are beginning to compare myself with a lot of others, and everyone will find something better. As a result, your self-esteem may fall through the floor. And if that is repeated often enough, the reception at the psychiatrist and the loss of friends you provided.
Focusing on the negative in life
Not far to seek - go to his grandmother, or wait in the queue, where a lot of retirees and aunts near retirement age, which draw the main news from TV broadcasts and radio.
As a result, all the talk about the fact that around constantly steal, kill, fired from their jobs, and the "best" friends being taken away from under the noses of other women's husbands and wives. Then, the standard should be a monologue on the theme "When the Soviet Union was not like this." But normal people are taking it calmly and with a slight apprehension, knowing that it is part of life. Granny Also in this he lives every day, and the news for her and are life itself.
Yes, the life of our grandparents not to be envied, but we still have the power to change things. For example, a stop to dwell on all the negative.
Dependence on the opinions of others
Before you do something, you always think, "What will people think (say)?".
You may feel that you are the center of attention of some people, and a violation of the standard boundaries and standard behavior you start condemning mechanism.
If you're trying to do something new, then you do it in secret from your society. You may think that the source of the negative the reaction of others is the name of you, absolutely not thinking about the fact that maybe someone just stood out hard week. The constant back and glancing askance at others (which will tell how to react?) Very clearly hinders personal development. And once hinders development, thus it prevents to be happy.
The increasing complexity of life
Life - a piece very interesting and at the same time incredibly complex. But the interesting thing is that most of the complexities and "insurmountable" obstacles we create for themselves. Some just hung up on «if, then» algorithm in the most negative of its manifestations.
What do we do with it?
- curb your perfectionism and set clear deadlines, knowing exactly how much you are investing and what should come out;
- try to protect themselves from negative even TV and radio, limit contact with "Eeyore" and to find new friends with positive thinking;
- learn in time to let go; stop constantly compare themselves to others, and to switch to compare yourself today with yesterday, and become a little kinder;
- learn to find more positive around even in small things;
- do not look at someone else's opinion, seeking to self-development and expansion of your consciousness;
- not complicate life to himself and to others, starting even get rid of the trash in the apartment (as well as in the head);
- try to avoid unnecessary conflicts, to spend more time with friends, enjoy walks and breathe, driving away from myself away stress and negative thoughts!