Cleaning in Japanese: 5 ways to get rid of unnecessary things
A Life / / December 19, 2019
The main forces were sent to fight the countless hordes of things in the wardrobe. At the same time laid off were not only a significant part of things, but also the old thoughts and feelings, as if time had lost all meaning and become strangers to me. I realized that they were the very heavy burden, a barrier on the way to a new life. Baggage, lugging that I was no longer able to do.
A truly valuable discovery for me was the book a young Japanese writer Mary Kondo (Marie Kondo) «Ordinary Miracle, or cleaning that will change your life." After reading it, my life really began to flow in a whole new way.
It turned out that the essence of minimalism is not a hermit. Not austerity and its extreme manifestations, as I thought before.
What is the main life principle minimalist? The answer is simple: to be surrounded by things that bring true joy owner. Guided by this simple idea, I gradually began to get rid of everything that did not please me more, and... happier. Restrained harmony of the environment in the center of which I conveniently located, allow to forget about the hustle and do what he likes.
If the theory of which I am speaking, is already beginning to like you, take her into service five basic principles.
Find out what is the basis of your life scenarios
The sooner you realize the reason, make sure you bring life back in order, the better. Look around, think about to get you started. Make a list of things or habits, which would get rid without regret.
Imagine a situation where you want to be, think that will be the basis of your new lifestyle. This will help to set priorities, and hence determine the goals.
Do not be afraid to do everything at once
Act contrary to popular belief that less is better.
According to the principles described in this condo, saving vital forces in this case will not go to the benefit of your good intentions. For example, cleaning home quickly tire you if you are confined within only one room. Just crossed the threshold of it, you find yourself there, which has not yet had time to walk hand - in his past life.
Seize everything that will fall under your arm, get rid of unnecessary things on the go. Thus you can change the way of thinking and get almost instant results without putting anything for later.
Planning to clean the house, divide the process into several parts
As is known, sapper makes a mistake only once. In our case, procedure and sequence of rooms will not play a decisive role. For example, fans of reading feature distinguishes leave books in the most unexpected places throughout the house.
In this case, find the book at times - not an easy task. In this case, the condo offers proceed in stages. To begin, distribute objects on several conditional groups: clothes, books, documents, personal items, and so on.
After gathering all the available clothes in a certain part of your home, absolutely dispose of that which you do not like or do not fit in size. Do not be afraid to overdo it, because now in your wardrobe will be only the most favorite things.
The same applies to books: leave only those that really want to read or not to read the time with pleasure, and distribute the rest to friends or define the district library. I prefer books in electronic format, so the problem of storage and organization faced personally.
Shelf life - the concept of the universal. As we know, life is at all. They are no exception and all kinds of paper: warranty cards, cashier's checks, instructions and other documents. There is no need for years to keep them in a drawer, especially in an age when everything is already there, and so on the Internet. Objects that can be attributed to the category of "the good memory", go into the last turn, or they will be taken from you too much productive time.
Everything has its place!
Japanese director Kosai Sekine even removed short film with the same name. It is no coincidence. Freed from the burden of unnecessary things, find a place for each of the list of favorite and popular. This will help to use your living space more efficiently.
Let's say you do not know where to store the logs. By purchasing one at the entrance to the subway, you throw it on the table as soon as get home. Do not be surprised if at some of the logs will be more days: they have found a "home." Takes care of everything in advance, you will always save yourself from such problems.
Be able to leave
Finally, we come to the most exciting question, which you probably already does not have time to time to ask: how to identify necessary thing or not? Mary herself Condo responds to it with his usual Japanese restraint: «Tokimeki». Meaning similar to the following: a good thing, if makes the heart beat faster.
Following this simple rule, take the time to "communicate" with each of them. Hold in your hands, feel, listen to your feelings. If all is well, do not hurry to part with a thing.
In the end, a minimalist, you can not become, but to live in an environment that love - a luxury that you can afford.