10 changes in life that need to happen to you in 30 years
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Start to love yourself
Love yourself and feel comfortable is particularly important in 30 years in his body, as the decisions at this age have a lot of consequences. But love yourself truly you can only when you begin to love their environment and in their personal lives and at work. Also, when you accept yourself for who you are, there is a feeling of incredible freedom.
Start every day, welcoming and appreciating yourself, tell me you're a smart, beautiful, talented, and spread on a hundred percent. I am proud and confident in their choice, their likes and dislikes, hopes and dreams. And stop to surround yourself with people who do not make you better. Spending time with loved ones and people who make you feel better. It is to learn to control emotions and increase self-esteem.
2. Turn to your personal life
Happiness, success, joy is largely dependent on how the sum of your personal life. Therefore, if you want to marry, have children or buy a house, 30 years old - the right time to achieve these goals. Ask yourself what you can do for a year, starting from this moment to build a personal life that you dream of. And do not hesitate. Postpone family life or unwise children. If you want children, takes them now, before it is too late.
Blogger Mark Manson expressed certain thoughts on the matter:
Mark MansonYou do not have time. You have no money. First you need to build a career. They - this is the end of your regular life... Oh, shut up already. Children - are great. They make you better. They make you happier. It is not necessary to postpone them for later.
3. Taking jobs that you really like
Thirty years - it is also an excellent time to explore other areas, change occupation and improve in your real passion, be it music, writing or business. There is nothing worse than to put down roots in the the work that you hate, Force yourself to live a life and not be able to follow the true passion. This situation can be described as an economic term "sunk costs" when you have to continue to invest in something because you have too much invested there. This is the reason multiple failed careers, failed businesses, and many unhappy lives.
Find a job that you really like, where your desires coincide with the skills, where you'll get the greatest return.
Steve Jobs once he said:
Steve JobsYour job is to fill a large part of life, and the only way to be truly satisfied - do what you think is a great thing. And the only way to do great things - to love what you do.
4. Stop compare yourself with others
Thanks to social networks is now much easier to compare yourself with friends and peers, who may already be married or married, have kids, buy a house... and I felt like a failure. It is not necessary to do it.
Stop to compare themselves with others. We are all different, and all are moving at different speeds. This is important, because after 30 years abroad to easily get depressed and turn from the right path to happiness. Everyone knows that, if you compare yourself with others, you can make the stress and all your self-confidence will fly into the pipe.
Love yourself and continue to take care of themselves. Let yourself go on our own way of life. "If you do not live as your family and friends, and not in comparison with them, - says Kay Mahesh - do not be hard on yourself."
5. Be happy with what you have
Instead of being angry and jealous of others, be calm, benevolent, and be content with what you have. Studies show that when you appreciate what you have, there is a feeling of happiness and go negative emotions. Of course, we must strive for the best, but it is important to understand that life is not always formed in accordance with our plans. This knowledge will protect against the negative effects arising due to unjustified expectations. Be grateful for everything you have, even if you have a little bit.
6. Farewell Statement Errors
Most likely, you've done a lot of stupid things in their 20s and teens. Everyone makes mistakes. But now you 30, and it is time to reflect and forgive myself for all these errors. People who engage in self-analysis, see their weaknesses and try to avoid similar mistakes in the future.
Learn from your mistakes, forgive them and move on. Do not dwell on past mistakes.
Psychologists say that the ability to forgive ourselves and learn from our mistakes - a key factor for success in anything.
7. Start exercise regularly
Find the time for training. In the future, you say thank you myself. After 35 years of muscle loss begins, but for a few extra kilos will slow down metabolism. That is why is particularly important to start training in advance.
try to move as much as possible. It does not matter exactly what do in life: hiking, jogging, hiking, swimming and weightlifting. The main thing - to do. Choose exactly the kind of physical activity that you really enjoy: less likely that you leave the matter in the middle.
8. Often call parents
Most 30-year-olds spend all the time engaged in family affairs, their own careers, and this cycle forget to keep in touch with parents.
Remember that your parents are getting older, too, and they do not last forever. If you do not show them enough care, then this possibility can not be and you will regret it.
Regularly call his parents. Just learn how things work, and to inform you that you're all right. This will support their mental and emotional well-being, will make your relationships warmer and stronger. Visit them at every opportunity.
9. Proper nutrition - the first place
Another thing to add to this list - acquire the habit of eating right. If you do not start eating healthy food in 30 years, then 40 and later will be health problems, which could have been avoided.
Eat a balanced diet, reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats, add to the diet of more fruits and vegetables. Avoid fast food and half-finished products. Quit smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. And, of course, no drugs. Health should be in the first place, because it's your most important wealth.
10. Continue to enjoy life
It is not necessary to cease to have fun just because you are no longer 20. If you spend your 30 years in the pursuit of money, eventually you will become sullen, cynical, unhappy man.
All the people who have left their 30th anniversary far behind, with one voice declare: no money is worth it, if you do not enjoy life.
Therefore, rejoice and be glad of life while you can. Go out on dates, playing with children (if any) organizes trips with friends and see the world. You live once. So why not live this life the way you want? Enjoy this age, copy beautiful memories and do not forget to set.