Life hacking for teens: What do today to live a life in the pleasure
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Before I read out the question, I will try to explain to you how it is sometimes difficult or even unbearable in all of this educational work is necessary teenagers with me. Imagine a person in the list of values ββis one of the first places takes self-discipline or self-control. Besides this man for a long time not a teenager, almost does not remember what it is, and only knows of clever books about the difficulties of puberty associated with active restructuring of the brain.
No, I do not believe that entertainment and fun do not need, but I have a special look to them, and for the happiness and success in life is a matter of secondary or even third-rate. With all this my wards was pleased to come to our meetings, and actively participate in them. Amazing people!
But even they could not stand one day and said, "We are no longer children, but still has not grown, and not even young. If you do what you tell us, when did have fun, meet for games and socializing, "" In fact, - I thought - do not climb I childhood these guys, "I took time out to answer?. It should not look like the rule, but it should help everyone make their own decisions. What every young person needs to understand in order to find their own balance?
Simple arithmetic of life
Let us assume that our youngest readers 15 years and finally it comes out in an independent life at 25, and he will live up to 70 years. That is, he has 10 years of more or less carefree life, and then 45 years of household, family, career, and other concerns.
Option 1
Our hero spends the 10 years in the game, a party, extreme and generally live in his pleasure. Of course, he's a good son, a friend, a brother, a good student, graduated with honors from high school and gets a paying job. But not more. Most likely, it turns out that the choice of work was dictated by the size of income or prestige, but not its dreams, inclinations and preferences.
From experience I know that if a young person makes an effort to just be "good", and the rest of the time spent on the sweet life, then he has a very I do not have time to think about his vocation, his dream, and preparations for such a difficult, but very diverse and fascinating life.
Eventually: Man shines prospect to give the most productive years of the hated work, perhaps wrongly chosen mate or to throw from one port to another, and not finding shelter.
option 2
Our hero in these ten relatively carefree years is very different from the rest of their peers. Take the maximum. He does not go to parties and discos, not playing video games, his head is jammed with members of the opposite sex. During school hours, whether at home or in an institution, it focuses as much as possible. In his spare time, he studies trying to understand their tendencies and preferences, exploring different professions, trying to make money, track your time, additionally teaches foreign languages ββ...
In addition, he voluntarily deprive themselves of all the "joys" of adolescent and youth life, it becomes an object of ridicule and outright izdovok. However, I am sure, the motive of such abuse - fear and envy.
Eventually: Our hero is adapted to this life. He can make what he really likes. Perhaps he is sitting in the office of the well-known IT-corporations and create amazing products. Perhaps he is working remotely designerTraveling the world. In any case, he does what gives him pleasure.
Besides, he is not afraid to change or lose their jobs. Ten young years, when the rest of fun, he was plowing, investing in the future, and now in front of him 45 years old, when he will live happily, do what he likes and still get paid for it money.
individual choice
Of course, I think the second option a perfect life, but I understand that we are all different and differently we see a happy life. I hope that by reflecting on both options, each will understand the basic idea and will be able to make an independent right choice just for himself.
Personal experience
My life has not been so smooth and perfect. It was similar to the first option, and even worse, because I was not a good son or a good student. And one of the reasons is that I've never come across such articles. At some point in my life I began to meet more often and the like, when was reached critical mass, has decided to change everything.
I left unloved work, which brought me a good income, but it was meaningless to me. I had about a year to live without a paycheck since I was doing what I wanted to do. It was all, but all the sky was interested in my life and today I provide a case that I love and who are willing to engage in day and night. I am happy and satisfied, but I Spend your youth is reasonable, all of this would have happened much earlier and less painful.
Tips teenagers
Organize your life
Understand, if we want to get somewhere, we need a map. And if we want to achieve something, we need a plan. This is not just a plan for the day, it can be up of a lifetime of the four levels. Of course, it will change over time, but in any case, to choose the direction will always be you. Now, when you have the rear in the face of your parents and grandparents, it's time to put it in the search and throwing in trying to find himself and his own.
Learn to work
Who would not say that, every achievement is worth the effort. Even in your favorite business or hobby efforts are needed to reach the heights. Learn how to work intelligently. A man with developed intellect will find a way out of any situation, while maintaining optimism and good spirits. Learn work physically. Do not take time off from traveling to the country, and even better to take under his "patronage" site that you will spend from sowing to save the harvest. This will teach diligence, perseverance, sense of purpose, teach many lessons and will help shape the practical thinking.
Take care of
I know that in his youth it seems that your health will be enough for your children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren will be a little bit. But if you do not treat it with care, it is not enough even to you. Remember that health - is not only good health, but also an attractive appearance. About Health intellectual and spiritual, too, need to take care of. Critical of the way that you look, listen and read.
Learn how to cope with problems
Do not think that when it is possible to achieve complete absence of problems. And do not even aspire to it. Problems - the catalysts of our growth. Learn the right attitude to the problems of and to overcome them.
Listen to the advice of his mind and live
Listen to what they tell you, adults and experienced people. Especially listen to those who have achieved a lot, or radically change their lives for the better.
I, for example, the practice of following the advice of such people, word for word and letter for letter. But time passes, and I start to analyze what can be changed to this advice came to me and my life. Sometimes I understand that the council does not suit me, and discard it. But such conclusions can be drawn only after a steady following tips. This will make you wiser, more legible, and eventually you will start to understand the value of self symbiosis tips and personal experience.
In the meantime, in front of you is quite complicated, but fascinating way of accomplishments and achievements. How to pass it - depends on you. Bon Voyage!