Dangerous illusions of computer games
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Just want to say that this article is not a scientific report based on empirical research. The Network on research enough messages, the interpretation of which often prove the opposite assertion. So that everyone can choose the study confirming his point of view and ignore the others. It's a vicious circle.
Instead, I suggest to all of us to analyze our own experience and try to draw a conclusion. Agree, because the man bent over the toilet, do not need research to understand how dangerous to eat stale food.
Playing with a red dot
To begin, let's understand what is a computer game. Roughly speaking, a computer game - it is the control of man over the color of some pixels on the screen and attempt to influence through the control of the color of the other pixels.
Most likely, you play yourself, or see how others play with the cat using the laser pointer. It is difficult to say what is going on in the mind of an animal at the moment, but in fact it is not much different from a person employed in a computer game.
Yes, we are wiser to cats, so we know very little one red point - we have them a few million, and, moreover, different colors.
And for us it does not matter whether the cat realizes that fooled her, and just having fun and take everything seriously. The main question: whether the player understands that the colored dots - it's just a game, or takes all more seriously, and thus it varies more, but quietly to himself than he really I wanted.
illusion of
Recently, more and more common opinion that computer games contribute to the development of skills and human skills. But this is not so simple as it may seem. There are various studies and reflections, proving how harmful and favor of computer games. But so far no study with which I am familiar, talking about the benefits, not shown, as it manifests itself in the real world. Even physical work It gives more in this regard.
Improved reaction? Which exactly? General or the reaction of the fingers on what is happening on the screen? If the latter, then what is the use in real life? And the work of our brain and neural pathways occurs, the information suggests that in this case, the more likely the second option.
Improved strategic thinking or communication skills? No matter what we say, no game has such a variety of choices and interactions as real life. This means that computer games limit their scope of our skills and ability to think creatively and make thinking tunnel.
There is another point of view: computer games - it's just a form of entertainment, and no serious impact on the players they can not provide.
Illusion "nevozdeystviya" or paradox influence
But I know from my own experience as gamers love to share stories about the glitch cheerful in reality. Broken mug? What is the first thought? "Ops, I had to survive." And then comes to mind, that is a reality, not a game. Here are a few examples from my past.
One day I went about his business, with my thoughts. And some marketer of computer pavilion at the power given in the column: "Stalker free zone! Join the ranks of the "long"! "I shuddered, I started look around and mentally groping AK-47. It was the second, but it was very real!
And yet, when the case of the approach to an abandoned dilapidated buildings, there is a sense of danger, I wanted to pull over to the wall near the doorway and peek inside. Although there was a clear sunny day, there were people around, and I knew exactly what was inside the safe. This feeling also arise for a second, but it was, and I noticed it.
I can tell you a dozen issues such stories "Jumble". Every gamer can compete with me in their number. As I said, gamers love to share similar stories. And they like to deny the unconscious influence of games on their behaviors, personality and moral choice.
The essence of the paradox
Knowing about all the glitches in reality, it is difficult to accept that the impact is limited to only them. Some may argue that in the case of models of behavior and moral choice one has not yet felt the impact of the computer games. But this is understandable. After all, when we are overwhelmed by the desire to pull over to the wall in the middle of the day or mentally groping for an AK-47, then you know that such a reaction is ridiculous and pathological. But that's normal solution cheat to steal, to show aggression and the like although it can be challenged in a moral sense, but they are not abnormal.
That is why we can not always notice and relate the change in its attitude to lie or even to murder with our passion for computer games. I'm not saying that the man immediately became a murderer, playing a shooter, but his attitude can not change when he repeatedly makes such a choice in a computer game.
The fact that the people most of the game is taken as reality, says their behavior: they shy away from flying arrows lean toward vehicle skid or frozen in indecision before the moral choice, even when they know that the outcome of the game will not be affected.
On the serious attitude of gamers to games also tells how they perceive their gaming successes and achievements.
illusion achievements
One day, I boasted to his friend, as a routed army of Gauls outnumbered my legionaries three times. It is not at all impressed. Afterwards, I repeatedly encountered such a reaction and did not realize it until he had begun to realize how much I appreciate the fact that does not really mean anything.
What is the use of what your character from a computer game - Elf level 80, if you filled up the session, destroyed relationships, nourish any cheap rubbish, unshorn and smelling bad?
This, of course, an extreme case, and I myself did not reach him, but he saw such people. For all this they consider themselves to be successful and are proud of their achievements. But what really changed? Only the color of the pixels on the computer screen.
You may never get to the extreme, but the illusion of achievements affects each player. No wonder that in recent times has blossomed riotous color the opportunity to show off the game scores in social networks and specific communities.
How does this affect the real life? Negatively. The man laid the pursuit of development and success. Satisfying this need in the virtual world, we thus reduce the real her in the world. And the more time spend in the artificial reality, the easier it agree with the present state of things in real life, more relaxed taking algorithm "work → → house work."
Computer games: Eats, Blogs
Where to put the comma in this classic amphibole, solve each of us. From my own experience I know that parting with a red dot - not an easy decision and not less difficult process.
Computer games help to have fun, feel like a hero, escape from reality and to feel successful without much effort. From this it is not so easy to give up.
But if you took the decision to abandon them, or at least limit the time of the game, you need to understand: a void that must be filled. Think about what could take the vacancy? Study, family and friends, self-development, rewarding hobby ...
Better yet, find a worthy goal in real life, to understand what is necessary to achieve it, and leave the computer games for her. This approach does not make the parting easy task, but considerably ease his.
If you do not agree with me, ready to hear your opinion in the comments. In any case, no matter what choice you make, be sure to do it just you. Be truly free.