As Z generation affect the workflow in the future
A Life / / December 19, 2019
The boundaries between the generations is often quite blurred. Often it turns out that in his workplace we have to meet with a fairly large number of people of different ages. We all live in one and the same time and have to interact with each other, despite the fact that sometimes our skills and competencies differ significantly.
Demographers tend to segment the world's population to eight generations.
1. Lost Generation (Lost Generation) - born in 1880-1900 years.
2. Greatest generation, the generation of winners (The Greatest Generation) - born in 1901-1924 years.
3. Silent generation (Silent Generation) - born in 1925-1945 years.
4. Baby boomers (Baby Boom Generation) - born in the age of the baby boom in 1946-1964, respectively.
5. Generation X, the unknown generation (Generation X) - born in 1965-1982 years.
6. Generation Y, millenialy (Generation Y) - born from 1983 to mid-1990s.
7. Generation Z, generation "jajaja" (Generation MeMeMe) - born c mid-1990s to mid-2000s.
8. Alpha generation - born after 2010. Presumably, so will call all the members of this generation who were born before 2025.
Workflow to 2020 year will be as follows: work together to be representatives of the entire five generations (the silent generation, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, and millenialov Z) generation. These five generations the life expectancy is much higher than that of the lost and the greatest.
According to recent studies, the average life expectancy in the US is about 78 years. Men who today have reached 65 years of age, presumably live to 84, while 65-year-old woman - 87 years old. Data for Russia a little different. The average life expectancy is 70 years: 65 years for men and 76.5 for women.
Increased life expectancy shows that the duration of employment It will also be higher. How will this affect the working process in the relatively near future? Some forecasts are already known.
The predominance of racial and ethnic minorities
Racial minorities in the United States today have a higher fertility rate than the white population. According to the statistics of babies born in such families, far more than were born to a white American population.
According to studies, the childbearing period of white women is considerably shorter than that of racial minorities. Hence also follows the conclusion that the white population is aging much faster. By 2020, 40% of the US population will be racial minorities (according to preliminary data - Latinos), which is no longer so easy to be called minorities in the full sense of the word.
Generation Z Generation and Alpha - really huge demographic force in the future, humanity will seriously depend on them. In terms of manpower is the case: the majority of the generation of baby boomers have reached retirement age, but still continue to work. However, they gradually lose their social and professional dominance, giving way to younger generations.
The battle of generations
The conflict between the different generations could be due to competition for resources. Likely to cause problems the next wing: whether government funds to support youth and to direct all their efforts on the development and financing of education, or, on the contrary, they should pay all his attention to the representatives of the "old school" and provide them with a decent completion of work, coupled with the excellent organization Health.
By 2020, the number of employees whose age exceeds 55 years, will increase significantly. They will have to share the workspace with young colleagues, whose values and approach to labor relations in many respects different from those who are used to the older generation. Therefore, it is possible the emergence of conflicts because of misunderstanding each other's values and completely the opposite approach to the work.
What are the people generation Z
Generation Z in many ways is the antithesis of all previous generations at once. Its members are so closely linked to the world of digital technology, which some researchers call them "mutants."
Social networks? Of course. Books? Definitely not. Video Games? Certainly. Sport? In no case. Speed? Yes. Patience? No, sir. Now we have outlined the fact that is a typical representative of the world of generation Z - an independent, stubborn, pragmatic and always in motion.
Everyday life
Members of this generation want to get everything at once. They are used to search the Internet the information that they do not know, they do not mind to give big money for smartphones, but at the same time considered almost shameful to pay for songs and movies that you can download is free. All the basic information people Z obtained from social networks.
Friends and virtual life
Generation Z for people much more accustomed to communicate online than in person. Friends on social networks are no less important to them than real friends. There are cases when they actually meet in person then. Eight out of ten of Gen Z are registered in social networks 16 years of age and believe that their virtual life is not less important than the real.
Knowledge, interests and skills
Not once in my life Representatives of this generation have seen a huge amount of obsolete technologies and gadgets, and they were replaced by new ones. That is why they have formed a special approach to learning process: People-generation Z finally became "samopedagogami". They will not have to wait until someone offers them assistance, but simply will drop on YouTube and look at the next training video.
According to recent studies, most of the representatives of this generation spend an average of three to four hours in front of a computer screen. They live in constant fear of missing out on something important. Their torment even the idea that something new and exciting passed by.
Social networks - their main drug. Facebook, constantly updated tape with photos in Instagram, lightning messages in instant messengers, the ubiquitous Twitter and Tumblr, videobloging... They easily search for information and think that with the Internet can almost everything.
However, this affects the care: the speed of information perception is growing, and the concentration of attention is constantly falling. They have a habit of slide look, not to remember. It often suffers from learning.
Generation Z and work
This is a generation that wants to create his own company, manage their own business. Representatives of the generation Z does not want to be mere servants, they want to become private entrepreneurs. Approximately 76% of young people would like to turn your hobby the main source of income. They also do not exclude the possibility that they could become famous through social networks.
Soon, this generation will (or has already started) my career, so it's important to consider what work values and ideals they can bring to your workflow.
Here are the 5 most important things you need to know each manager to work productively with the youngest group of employees.
They are very honest
More than half of generation Z believes that honesty - one of the most important leadership qualities. This generation is looking for leaders who have a clear and holistic see workflow. Unlike previous generations, they see leadership as a privilege. This means that executives and managers need to really work and succeed, to prove its credibility and competence, before they can gain the trust of generations of Z.
They are more adventurous
Most representatives of this generation have entrepreneurial flairBut this does not mean that they are one and all want to have their own business. Rather, their attention is focused on achieving a certain result, and the observation of the fact, what are the benefits of specific performance of a given task. For them, it is important to have an understanding of how the current daily tasks affect the long-term prospects of the company. This generation can work longer and harder than the last, but it is important to give managers understand that the contribution of the staff of the generation Z has a great importance.
They do not like tight schedule
They are not interested in the usual five- or six-day working week, they are more attracted free schedule. As this generation grew immersed in technology, its representatives do not feel attached to specific workplace, because they know that you can work from virtually anywhere where there is Internet and a computer. As an indicator of the efficiency of the work for them serves a particular result, and not eight hours of daily presence in the office behind a desk.
They prefer to discuss the problem personally
Despite the fact that this generation's easier for people to communicate online, many of the questions they still prefer to talk face to face with someone. So they are trying to establish and consolidate the existing social networks that provide them with the assurance that they are necessary and important in the working team.
They know what they want
Their career and life goals are beginning to emerge in a much younger age. According to studies, about 50% of the representatives of the Z generation, ending school fees, already know what they want to do in the future.
In contrast, the Y-generation, the generation Z does not tend to change jobs as soon as they do not like something. They plan to stay in one company for a long time, and do not jump back and forth, trying to find the perfect place.
This generation is more adventurous and self-less focused on money and are inclined to think, to work remotely. Apparently, it is not so and bad. ;)