In life, anything may happen. You can toss prohibited items. The goal - to put another check mark in the report on the fight against crime, try to extort money for a "solution to the problem", or neutralize, if you, for example, a social worker activist.
What to do if you saw an unknown object
Throw something forbidden can be in your pocket, purse, car, an apartment, a place where you work. If you find something that you obviously do not belong to, proceed as follows:
- Do not touch anything with his hands.
- Immediately declared that the subject is not yours. If you see this man, who could throw it to you, say so loudly to be heard by others. You need to attract as many witnesses as possible.
- Call the police mobile, let your data, tell us where you are, and perhaps you something planted. Ask them to send a police outfit.
Be sure to fix the fact that you have thrown something, by any means, with the help of avtoregistratora, A mobile phone camera, a voice recorder. Call friends and family. Try to engage in action strangers, give publicity to this fact. In extreme cases, you could even scream.
Victor Mager, lawyer AK «lawyer Maher»
What if you planted something during a personal search
Often prohibited items unexpectedly found during the inspection of your car, hand luggage, luggage, clothing. In this case:
- Have a person making the inspection, in the presence of witnesses on their own to get all your existing items. This process you can fix the video. It is important that you do not need not touch.
- In the report write that the found items you do not own, their origin and the way in which they were to you unknown.
- To request a fingerprint examination found the prohibited items, to detect fingerprints and to determine their identity.
You can also apply for obtaining samples for comparative analysis in the form of flushing with it. Upon completion of the inspection file a complaint against the unlawful actions of the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office.
Bekanov Maxim, a leading lawyer of the European Law Service
How should undergo a body search of things
This process is defined in Article Article 27.7 of the Administrative Code. Personal searches of the things they face physical 27.7 of the Administrative Code. Personal inspection is conducted by an official Who has the right to conduct personal searches and inspection of the luggage of the natural person one sex with you in the presence of two witnesses of the same sex, or using video recording.
No idea to inspect your personal belongings - manual luggage, Luggage, tools for hunting and fishing, and so on - may in exceptional cases. Only if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you have a weapon or other prohibited items.
Protocol on personal examination of the mandatory components. It specifies the date and place of its preparation, position, surname and initials of the person who drew up a report, information about you, as well as all data on the found things. For example, if this weapon, its make, model, caliber, series, number. If ammunition - the type and quantity.
The protocol should specify exactly how were recorded evidence that you have found illegal substances - whether photographic or video shooting was carried out.
The protocol must be signed by those who participated in the process: the one who made it, the concept, as well as yourself.
Read it carefully before to put his signature. If you do not agree with what is specified in the protocol, it can not sign - in this document corresponding entry will be made. At your request, you must provide a copy of the protocol.
What more can be done
- Without waiting for you something just settle, get a good lawyer and make a note of the phone. A professional will tell you how to act correctly in the most difficult situations.
- Type in your mobile number hotlines prosecutor's office and the Interior Ministry. Up to them with a complaint can help in the further proceedings.
- Do not agree to transfer packages from strangers. By doing this you are giving another reason to find you the forbidden items.
- If you suspect that you have something to throw up, do not be silent. Tell us about it to friends and family, write about suspicions social networks. Remember, forewarned - is forearmed.
see also
- Safety regulations in the subway: how to behave at the stations and on the train, to avoid problems →
- 8 known techniques street crooks manipulators →
- How to bring drugs from abroad and not go to prison →
- What you should never do at an airport: Flight Attendant Tips →