Why conscious approach to things more important than productivity
Productivity A Life / / December 19, 2019
The quest for productivity causes stress
From childhood we are taught that we will achieve her, if we work harder. We are told that to work harder - it is always best. This belief is strengthened in adult life. Employees who work day and night, considered good yield increases.
In addition, social networks we create the wrong impression about life. We see a perfect photo in Instagram, and forget that they are carefully selected and does not reflect reality.
Understand that time - this is your personal decision. Awareness is much more valuable than the productivity and efficiency.
The stress level is constantly growing worldwide. Only in an attempt to remove it quickly, we appeal to the wrong methods. For example, recently become popular "room rage." They are for a certain amount, you can throw out the negative emotions, smashing dishes and furniture. To do this you will be given a hammer or a baseball bat. The trend is alarming. People are so tense that he did not rely on meditation, controlled breathing and awareness.
It is better to make a break. You recharge your batteries and will develop resistance to the difficulties of life.
For example:
- Go for a walk.
- Meditate.
- Stay active.
- Engage in your favorite hobby.
- Leisurely drink a cup of coffee.
The main thing - to find the time to free the mind from all accumulated. And then think about the causes of stress.
Stress does not allow us to live in the present
Employment creates a vicious circle. Because of it, we are constantly put off what is important for us. For example, strengthen relations or spend time with children. Postponing things for later, we have wasted my life.
Productivity has promised us results in the future, but does not give the experience now.
On such a paradox of productivity spoke more writer Henry David Thoreau. He set the example of its neighbor-farmer: "It does not do anything in a hurry and with displeasure, but rather as if in love. He enjoys his work and takes pleasure in each case. He was not anticipating the sale of their crops or even some kind of material benefit, but receives compensation in constant satisfaction from their labor. "
For the skill and efficiency are important not achieve, and your attitude and personal contribution.