7 examples of how the disorder disrupts our lives
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Clutter makes life chaotic, and we are losing a sense of control. All would not be so bad if it were not a bunch of accompanying unpleasant things that reduce your quality of life.
1. reduces the concentration of
Clutter restricts the brain's ability to process information and makes us constantly distracted by trifles. In a study conducted at Princeton University, found that the disorder limits the possibilities of visual information processing by the brain. Still, after even find a thing among the rubbish - a real test. But there are ways solve this problem.
2. It makes us nervous
Provokes stress disorder. Research of the University of California, spent with families in Los Angeles, showed that cortisol levels increased when mothers watching the mountain unwashed items and toys, children scattered all over the house, and, conversely, decreased, when they went to work or shopping.
3. Makes postpone the case until later
A mess, in fact, provoke procrastination. You think, "Yeah, it is necessary to fix the chair" - and then trying to find the right tool, angry and put off repairs that would take 3 minutes, indefinitely. If the disorder is also a workplace, you can not expect from myself record productivity.
Author of the book The Clutter Diet Lori Marrero (Lorie Marrero) notes that people do not understand how the disorder adversely affects their productivity. Clutter reduces the speed of decision-making and makes us less organized.
4. eating money
Clutter eats up time and therefore money. Think about it, how much time you spend at work to find the desired file or document - and this is only part of the unproductive expenditure of time. According to the National Association of Professional Organizers (specialist to restore order and the organization of family life, work and so on. - Approx. Ed.), Americans spent a total of 9 million hours per day on such unproductive processes.
5. deteriorating health
Accumulations of things provoke the appearance of dust mites that cause allergies and asthma attacks. So, in addition to the above, more confusion and harm to your health and the health of your loved ones.
6. It makes us are massive
Provokes stress disorder, which, in turn, stimulates weight gain and the occurrence of bad habits. Peter Walsh (Peter Walsh), author of Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat, notes that constant desire to eat more - also a kind of a mess, and it is difficult to argue. Promiscuity in the diet and the harmful snacks - the investigation of chaos in his head.
7. It does not allow to live "here and now"
The philosophy of feng shui says that the disorder - is negative energy, provoking negative emotions. The procedure, by contrast, brings to life the harmony and positive stream. Mari Kondo (Marie Kondo), author of The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, says that the true purpose of cleaning - a return to its natural, relaxed state.
Cleaning - it is a way to surround yourself with objects that you really need. Marie advises to give up all the extra things: in her opinion, it will help to start a new life. Here is another reason become a minimalist.