Simple life hacking, which will facilitate the separation from dear to the heart of rubbish
A Life / / December 19, 2019
If you are seriously parted ways with the old things that it's time to dump this advice will help you for sure. Scientists have found that a lot easier to get rid of a favorite, but unnecessary items that you, if you take a picture of it.
Cope with sentimentality and throw away everything that is stored "in memory" is much easier if you keep the memory of this most in the form of photos. This was confirmed by an experimentKeeping the Memory but not the Possession: Memory Preservation Mitigates Identity Loss from Product Disposition, Which was attended by 797 students of the University of Pennsylvania.
They offered to give something of the old, unwanted items to charity. One student was advised to take a picture of what they give, while others - not. As a result, the first group of 613 donated items, and from the second group managed to get only 533 items.
Why do we all hoard junk? The fact that we do not feel sorry for the thing itself, and its associated memories.
Also, we are reluctant to part with the fact that one way or another has to do with our identity. That's why parents cherish vests, sliders and other items of infant clothing. These things remind them of how men and women are no longer just a pair and become parents.
Finally, there are so iconic for us items such as wedding dress, get rid of that does not help, even a whole album of wedding photos.
But one thing - to know about this method, and quite another - to apply it in practice. If you have accumulated a lot of useless memories gizmos include a smartphone camera and start raskhlamlyat the dwelling.