6 reasons why a working mom - it's good
A Life / / December 19, 2019
More and more women to combine child rearing and career building. Layfhaker found six plus a situation where most of the precious time mom spends at work.
1. Do working mothers independent children grow
Probably every working mom occasionally feels a sense of guilt, and worries that not enough time is spent with their children. It has both an unexpected downside: when the mother is not always close at a difficult time, the child has to learn to think and make decisions on their own. It is important to understand that the responsibility for your decisions, too nesosh was you, so there is nobody to blame, too, in their mistakes.
2. Children of working mothers are able to articulate their thoughts and goals
Sometimes certain attitudes and habits begin to be applied not only at work, but also in dealing with their own children. So, a man who knows what he wants and for what purpose came you propose to initially articulate message and the ultimate goal. Like working with children. As a result, children learn to more clearly formulate thoughts and voice their needs. And state the problem, it is much easier to find a solution.
3. When a little time to chat, it begins to appreciate more
People quickly get used to the good. When my mother is always at home, she stops to appreciate every hour spent with the child. This is normal and natural.
The same thing happens with the child. When the time constant is not enough, you start to feel particularly value the moment. Working mothers inevitably spend with their children is not as much time as they would like, but do it efficiently and use all opportunities for joint pastime to the maximum.
4. Working mom - a good personal example for a child
Children always need an example and role model. Great when such an example and subject to pride becomes own mother.
The child sees: to succeed in life, you need a lot of work, and that work can receive family livelihood and comfortable life. This is a very important moment in the formation of personality and upbringing of the child. In addition, always nice to know that your child looks at you with pride and wants to be like it is on you.
5. Children of working mothers learn to express themselves at an early age
When the mother is not present at home 24/7, not to impose their views and no pressure parental authority, children have more opportunities to express themselves. The child begins to look at themselves and their future more consciously asking important questions for personal formation, first of all, yourself and not someone who just sits there.
Often independent children better understand what they want from life. In this case, the goal belongs to the child, not the parents, who sometimes sell their children in unrealized dreams.
6. Children of working parents are able to build relationships in a team
They are forced to spend most of their time away from home: prodlonka in school, grandparents, mugs, family friends, tutoring. Not so important, where it is a child, the main thing that he is surrounded by a variety of people, not just Mom and Dad. As a result, children have more developed communication skills with other family members, in particular with the brothers and sisters.