7 harsh lessons that we receive in the course of life
A Life / / December 19, 2019
How many times can tread on the same rake?
Life is not a check-list. From experience you need to learn. If you do not apply this knowledge in practice, then on them there will be no confusion. And if something happened to you one day, you have no guarantee that it will not happen again. In the same way, if ever you something well managed, it does not mean that you will always succeed in this.
Sometimes the most severe life lessons have to get over and over again. It depends on us whether we have time to time to recognize that they are in the same mess, this time to make another decision and get out of it.
1. The easiest way in the end turns out to be the most slippery
Perhaps this life lesson we have the very first.
When something seems too good to be true, it usually it really is not. Free cheese is really to be found only in a mousetrap.
The path may seem easy because the possible difficulties you can not always see at first glance. We often prefer it to others simply because they were quick with the choice and made it carelessly. Sometimes it happens by accident, sometimes - intentionally, in spite of all the brake lights and red flags that we could not help but notice.
But the result is always the same. Easiest way is proving to often for us a far more severe than the right, but not as attractive, if we were from the beginning it went on it.
2. A love rollercoaster need good brakes
You know the examples of relationships that develop at a speed of thousands of kilometers per hour? When the pair were together night after night and could not get enough of each other? Have you talked with your half of the marriage after three months of dating?
Such relationships are full of passion and fire. But usually they are the first and fall apart. And shattered.
Yes, love resembles a roller coaster. Perhaps that it should be. But one of the hardest lessons that we need to get, is that we must be able to brake.
You need to understand when to accelerate and when to move slower when to jump into the pool with his head, and when to hold the horses.
Because no brakes you will be accelerated more and more and miss the opportunity to learn about each other that it is important to know. And accept each other for what you are. By the time you realize it might be too late.
3. It is better to do a little, but regularly than occasionally arrange a rush jobs
Some believe that one day they all get better by itself. What kind of a day, I wonder? How do you imagine it represent? Do you think that one day you wake up in a luxurious mansion, with two Ferrari parked at the door? Where did it all must appear, from a magic portal?
One day - it is today. Begin to be satisfied with their lives need right now. Something needed to change right now. The best moment will be.
The big breakthrough is made only by means of gradual small steps. You can not press rewind, as the hero of the movie "Click." How do whatever you wanted to be, apply for that all possible efforts have at the moment.
4. Self-knowledge is much more important than personal accomplishments
This lesson is difficult that achievement should not determine your satisfaction with them. The man is quite easy to say that it gives him confidence. Confidence based solely on personal achievements, is unstable, it has more to do with selfishness and leads to inner harmony.
This does not mean that it is not necessary to set goals and try to achieve them. It is important to understand where it comes from a sense of satisfaction.
If you try to buy only the achievements, you will never come to the full satisfaction. Real satisfaction is determined solely by the freedom of creativity, the desire to better understand yourself and his craft. Achievements quickly lose their importance.
You will climb the mountain, all the forces trying to overcome the steep climb, bite into the rocks to reach the top. But you may not have time to get to it and enjoy the view, when you notice the following mountain higher. And then you think, it seems, nothing accomplished, and now you will have a new upsurge. As you can see, a dead-end approach.
5. You - a reflection of the people with whom you spend most of your time
Tell me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are. People around you are your mirror. In them you can see yourself, your own features. If you spend most of your time with people who have the same fears, complexes or negative qualities, you get used to these characteristics in yourself. They only strengthened, and you will find that this is just part of your life.
Conversely, if you meet more people, challenge your fears, self-doubt and other weak spots, you will inevitably begin to change. You will absorb and adopt the positive traits that you may not have enough.
Informed choice environment will help you to make yourself just the way you want to be. Do you lack confidence? Communicate with the self-confident people. Do you want to learn a new skill? More moves in a circle of people with whom he is already well developed.
There is another side to this. Sometimes it is quite difficult to know when to leave. Sometimes people come into our lives at the right time, when we need to learn something from them, and they - we. Then he begins to take shape friendship. But any relationship - it is part of your path. And sometimes it is very difficult to understand when it is time to break up your roads. To do this, you need to constantly pay great attention to how you spend your time and with whom you spend it.
6. You can not change, and attempts to stay the same sometimes bring only harm
Most people aspire to security and stability. This is normal.
It is important to understand the value changes. Changes can not be avoided. Usually, it's scary. We are afraid of change, because they are associated with uncertainty. And we would like to keep his life under control.
To get rid of this fear, we must, on the contrary, seek to change. Personal development in general can be compared with regular training. If you go to the gym and every day doing the same exercise, eventually your body gets used to the same load and the exercise no longer be difficult for him. Then it begins to act plateau effect. You become comfortable, but at some point, this comfort starts to work against you. To move forward, we need change.
Do not expect that they will come by themselves. Me themselves. When you start to feel the slightest signs that are stuck in a routine, begin to deliberately make changes in your life. Apply warning strikes, be one step ahead of yourself. Causes the brain and body work, try something new and unknown.
7. Within itself, you always know which way to go
The main thing - listen to your inner voice. Change jobs or stay in the same place? Keep the relationship or move on? Do what you like, or what you want from the other? Often these questions there are two answers: the answer dictated by mind or habits, and the answer that tells us the inner voice.
We all hear it. We all know how and when it sounds. However, sometimes it is so hard to follow.
Why? Because our ego makes us follow a much louder voice that lured a promise of comfort, safety, greater achievements, or lack of pain. We remain in the office instead of travel of the world, once again we read other people's books, instead of having to write your own. We allow ourselves to knock out of the way, although we know that we really need.
The problem is that inner voice is not going anywhere. And the more you ignore it, the louder it will come to you. Perhaps in the end it will turn into a screaming whisper. And you have to listen to it. Probably because people are beginning to feel, like, a midlife crisis.
Value yourself. Trust your inner voice. Your heart does not lie, it does not tell you the wrong way.
All of these lessons is sometimes difficult to pass on the first try. The sooner we realize what they teach us, the sooner we cease to walk in our sole field of rakes.