As bacteria can help solve the problems of mankind
A Life / / December 19, 2019
Microorganisms that live on our body, in our homes and land, can be a source of new technologies and drugs.
Madden Ann (Anne Madden)
A microbiologist at the University of North Carolina. Advises various industries - from biotechnology to food production.
We are used to fight bacteria. If we are told that we have in the house or in the sink bred germs, we immediately become to look for a tool that will destroy them, destroy, render harmless. We want to get rid of almost from all organisms on Earth. But in this quest we ignore a great source of new technologies that could save us.
In our homes there are more than 100,000 organisms. It is 100 000 potential sources of solutions to our problems. These beings - microscopic alchemists able to transform with the help of chemical environment. So, they can live anywhere on the planet and eat with any material - from plasticA bacterium that degrades and assimilates poly (ethylene terephthalate). to toxic wasteAnaerobic benzene oxidation coupled to nitrate reduction in pure culture by two strains of Dechloromonas.
. They can turn into edible inedibleHealth and nutritional benefits from lactic acid bacteria.Made from sugar alcohol, to produce oilMicrobial production of polyunsaturated fatty acids as nutraceuticals., electricityAn origami paper-based bacteria-powered battery. and even goldGold biomineralization by a metallophore from a gold-associated microbe..With the help of bacteria can be prepared beer, antibiotics and medicine for PTSD
Consider as an example the usual axes. Anne Madden, along with other researchers discovered a new type of wasp inside organisms with a rare ability - to produce beer. It is able to do only a few bacteria on the planet. All commercially produced beer is manufactured using one of three types of microorganismsThe Microbiology of Malting and Brewing.. A new kind of open Madden, gives beer honey taste, which is different from the restMethods for the production of fermented beverages and other fermentation products.. What we once thought only insect pest, it is now a source of new tasty beer.
Another example - this is antibiotics. The last 60 years, the majority of antibiotics on the market are made from bacteria found in soilA Brief History of the Antibiotic Era: Lessons Learned and Challenges for the Future.. That soil bacteria, which appear to us to mud, save our lives.
Or take at least microorganisms from the river of slime. It would seem that they can be interesting? However, the researchers found that in mice, they are struggling with post-traumatic stress disorderImmunization with a heat-killed preparation of the environmental bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae promotes stress resilience in mice.. It turns out that ordinary mud can be a source of hope.
And it's just three examples of the use of microorganisms. Imagine how our lives can change the remaining 100,000 of bacteria that live in our homes. Perhaps in the future thanks to them we will be smarter and will live longer.