15 secrets of a happy marriage
A Life / / December 19, 2019
1. Do not postpone happiness
Often we expect that domestic happiness comes with the purchase of apartments, cars, to produce a new good jobs or further education. Not. We must be happy now and so it is.
2. Be grateful and say it to your loved one
Thanks generates happiness. Even in the most ordinary things find reasons to be thankful. And most importantly, do not forget to express it. That is the magic word "thank you" really works wonders, and often need to use it in marriage. "Thank you for what you are for me to do", "Thank you for being repaired crane", "Thank you for what you are so cute," "Thank you for a delicious dinner" - look for reasons to be thankful for, and you will find them.
3. Trust each other
Marriage, tormented by jealousy, will not last long. Trust your spouse and do not give reason not to trust you.
4. Avoid quarrels
Quarrel over trifles - the biggest pitfall of marriage. Feel the approach of the quarrel - cool down: take a walk, take a shower, take rest. When emotions subside a bit, you'll be able to talk calmly.
5. Show your love physically
Touch each other, cuddling, KissHolding hands. Very important a healthy sexual relationship, but do not focus only on them. Any abuse does not lead to good. It destroys the romantic love and the natural beauty of intimacy in marriage.
6. Be honest, when it comes to finances
Family happiness is not possible if there is a misunderstanding, especially when it comes to money.
7. Surprise each other
Do something unexpected: leave a note in the pocket of his trousers; Give a flower, when you meet her from work; make a small gift; Arrange a surprise romantic dinner or send an SMS with a declaration of love.
8. Make each other compliments
Tell us how you like smile, character, voice, eyes, hair of a loved one. What do you value it as a wonderful parent for your child or as a professional in their work. Your loved one needs to know that you admire them.
9. Support each other
Support each other in personal and professional projects, in the days of sickness, sorrow, or weakness. help overcome difficulties. Marriage is like a long journey in a fragile boat, if a passenger starts to shake her, the second is to hold it afloat, otherwise drown both of them.
10. Proceed in the same direction
Happiness in marriage is possible only if the spouses have a view of life, similar values and interests, behavior and objectives.
11. Keep those who you were when we met
At the beginning of a relationship we are all amazing, attractive, and commit a thousand deeds to show partner his best quality. After some time, comes the understanding that for a person to actually close to us, what are the drawbacks, how he conducts himself in different situations. It is natural that a mature relationship grows into marriage.
But after the wedding, some calm and do not consider it necessary to try to please your loved one. Suddenly I feel that most of the time at home may look unkempt, be rude and grumpy. Of course, it is difficult to keep the body and the face of the same, as a young man: age and gravity ruthless. However, you can do a lot to stay in decent physical, intellectually, Moral and emotional state. A good marriage - a perpetual motion.
12. talk
Talk solve problems.
13. Forget about selfishness
Concern for the welfare of the partner - one of the most important things to achieve family happiness. Set aside selfishness aside and try to take care of the partner as well as yourself.
14. Be faithful in my thoughts, words and actions
Happiness - a delicate matter. How often marriages were collapsing due to the fact that one of the couple fell in love with someone and not get out of my head. But in the end it ended with a serious mistake. You feel the danger - run from temptation.
Carlos Drummond de Andrade (Aeroporto Carlos Drummond de Andrade), poetThe changes are always three duped.
15. Asking for forgiveness and forgiving
We are all imperfect. Having made a mistake, do not waste time, as quickly as possible to sincerely ask for forgiveness. And when a loved one hurts your feelings - forgive him. For the full life of both spouses is important to be able to ask for forgiveness and to forgive.
In other words, the main secret of a happy marriage is to do good, to be wise in words, actions and thoughts. Treat your partner the way you want it to apply to you. And if you want to understand how the word or the decision will affect your marriage, imagine yourself in the place of a partner, and you will understand how to act.